Le rôle du mode de scrutin dans le comportement électoral au Maroc: le cas des élections communales de 2015.
Plenary Session: Moroccan Economy
Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society
Dr. Larabi Jaïdi and Moubarack Lo will be delivering presentations at the Plenary Session on the Moroccan Economy during the 2019 Africa Meeting of the Econometric Society. The Econemtric Society annual meeting is an international gathering of academic economists, hosted this time by Bank al-Maghrib.
Keep me informedGlobal Cybersecurity Challenges: Disentangling Risks and Opportunities in International Politics

Paris, France
The Policy Center for the New South and the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri) are organizing the Ifri-PCNS Roundtables under the theme Disentangling Risks and Opportunities in International Politics. This conference is taking place in the context of the Ifri-PCNS partnership.
Keep me informedDes modèles innovants pour un développement durable en Afrique
Séminaire sur invitation
Le Policy Center for the New South et CorpsAfrica/Maroc organisent, le jeudi 11 juillet 2019 de 9h à 14h, une session de travail intitulée : "Des modèles innovants pour un développement durable en Afrique".
Keep me informedPrésentation de l'ouvrage: La Gouvernance du Balai - le Nigéria sous Buhari: entre diversification économique et fédéralisme social
Les villes de demain sauveront-elles le climat?
Présentation de l'ouvrage "Réconciliations. Pour une politique de développement renouvelée" par Rémy Rioux
EMNES Annual Conference 2019
Design Thinking Workshop on Strengthening Capacity Development Effectiveness for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa
Pr. Bouchra Rahmouni, Director of Research, Partnerships & Events will take part in a high level Design Thinking workshop aimed at "Strengthening Capacity Development Effectiveness for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa". This workshop is organized by the African Development Bank in partnership with the African Capacity Building Foundation and will take place 27 – 29 June 2019, Abidjan, COTE D’IVOIRE.
Keep me informed