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Expanding NATO’s Partnerships in the Southern Region. Why and How?

Kidane Kiros , Rachid El Houdaigui | October 18, 2021

In the last few months, the global order has been going through some fundamental changes which are affecting the competition between the great powers...

What will be the effect of the EU’s Carbon Border Tax on Morocco, and how should Morocco react?

Rim Berahab , Uri Dadush | October 15, 2021

The European Commission recently presented several legislative proposals as part of its “Fit for 55” initiative, designed to accelerate the reduction...

Tensions conjoncturelles ou aube d’un nouveau super- cycle : la dynamique du prix des matières premières en question

Yves Jégourel | October 07, 2021

Face à la très forte augmentation du prix des matières premières observée depuis le printemps 2020, l’idée qu’un nouveau super-cycle soit en...

The Maghreb’s Outlook Towards the Sahel: An analysis of Morocco, Algeria, and Mauritania standpoints

Noamane Cherkaoui, Youssef Tobi | October 06, 2021

The Sahel has become more prominent in policymaking circles because of its strategic importance and the urgent nature of the dangers that have become...

Dubai Port World ou le levier diplomatique émirati en Afrique

Oumnia Boutaleb | September 22, 2021

Face à la concurrence mondiale croissante, les Emirats arabes unis (EAU) ont pu constater le retard enregistré dans le domaine maritime dans les...

From CFA to ECO: Opportunities and Challenges of Economic and Monetary Cooperation in West Africa

Emmanuel Pinto Moreira | September 14, 2021

The major announcement of December 21, 2019, of the shift from the CFA franc to the Eco led to major changes in the monetary landscape and...

Trade and Labor Market Outcomes: Does Export Sophistication Affect Women’s Wage Employment?

Mina Baliamoune | September 08, 2021

We explore whether improved export sophistication increases women’s participation in wage employment. Using panel data from a large group of...

Regional Market Integration, Agricultural Transformation, and Poverty Reduction:A review of experiences in selected cases of regional market integration

Isabelle Tsakok | August 24, 2021

The transformative potential of regional market integration for a large trading bloc is well exemplified by the European Union which started...

Diagnostic stratégique de l’émergence de l’Afrique du Sud

Moubarack Lo , Amaye Sy, El Hadj Tine | August 09, 2021

L’objet de ce document est d’effectuer le diagnostic stratégique de l’émergence de l’Afrique du Sud. Ce diagnostic de l’économie sud-africaine a été...

Zambie : panorama politique, défis et opportunités

Hajar El Alaoui | July 12, 2021

Frappée de plein fouet par la crise sanitaire de la Covid-19, la République de Zambie, déjà fragilisée, fait face à de nombreux défis sur les plans...
