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Special Economic Zones : a Model for the Middle East and North Africa

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in partnerships with the Policy Center for the New South and EastWest Institute | July 03, 2020

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have enormous economic potential with remarkable natural resources and industrial production capacities....

La CEDEAO gagnerait-elle à être transformée en « Confédération d’États » ?

Alioune Sall, Moubarack Lo | July 02, 2020

La transformation de la Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) en « confédération d’Etats » est parfois évoquée, y compris...

Will ECOWAS Benefit from Being Transformed into a « Confederation of States »?

The transformation of the Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS) into a « Confederation of States » is sometimes considered, including...

Le Grand Barrage de la Renaissance Éthiopienne : entre les pesanteurs de la souveraineté et les exigences du bon voisinage

Mohammed Loulichki | July 01, 2020

Sur fond d’accusations mutuelles d’absence de volonté politique pour faire aboutir les négociations tripartites surla mise en service du “Grand...

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam : Between the Burdens of Sovereignty and the Constraints of Neighborhood

Against the backdrop of mutual accusations of a lack of political will to bring the tripartite negotiations on the commissioning of the “Grand...

Monetary Integration in West Africa: History, Theory, Policy

Youssef El Jai | June 30, 2020

Prior to the colonial era, money issuance in West Africa depended on slave trade. With the advent of the colonialrule, silver coins were imported...

Intégration monétaire en Afrique de l'Ouest : histoire, théorie, politique

Avant l'ère coloniale, l'émission d'argent en Afrique de l'Ouest dépendait de la traite des esclaves. Avec l'avènement du...

Russian Interference in Africa: Disinformation and Mercenaries

Rida Lyammouri , Youssef Eddazi | June 30, 2020

Russia is trying to gain a foothold in Africa via subversion and disinformation tactics. Under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, Russia...

The Climate Change-Security Nexus: Case study of the Lake Chad Basin

Maha Skah , Rida Lyammouri | June 26, 2020

The securitization of climate change has important implications in terms of how the issue is framed and addressed, at national and international...

Selective Review of Food Security Policy Worldwide: What can be learned from international experiences in order to shape food security policy in Africa?

Isabelle Tsakok , Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub | June 25, 2020

We are living through unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic threatens not only our health, but the very foundation of life itself: our food...

Capitaliser sur les « bonnes réputations »

Fathallah Oualalou | June 24, 2020

La réputation, concept majeur s’il en est, est un indicateur de l’estime accordée à une personne physique mais aussi à une entreprise ou encore à une...

Building on « New Reputations »

Reputation, a key concept, if any, is an indicator of the esteem granted to a natural person but also to a company or a state entity. Consisting of a...

The Impact of Coronavirus on the Global Economy

Otaviano Canuto | June 22, 2020

COVID-19 brought the global economy to a sudden stop, causing shocks to supply and demand. Starting in January 2020, country after country suffered...

Les technologies de surveillance à l’ère de la Covid-19

Redouan Najah | June 19, 2020

Alors que de nombreux Etats adoptent des mesures strictes appelant au confinement et allant jusqu’à la fermeture des frontières, certains pays ont eu...

Surveillance Technologies in the Covid-19 Era

While many states are adopting strict measures including containment and even border closures, some countries have used surveillance technologies to...
