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La Chine et nous : Répondre au second dépassement

Fathallah Oualalou | December 19, 2016

En un tiers de siècle, la Chine, pays en développement, est devenue une économie émergente, puis une puissance économique mondiale. Il s’agit là du...

ATLANTIC CURRENTS: An Annual Report on Wider Atlantic Perspectives and Patterns

December 13, 2016

The authors of the Atlantic Currents report cross-examine the trends and challenges of the Atlantic space under different perspectives, driven by the...

Equilibres Externes, Compétitivité et Processus de Transformation Structurelle de l’Economie Marocaine

Edité par : Idriss El Abbassi, Tayeb Ghazi , Lahcen Oulhaj, Aziz Ragbi | November 28, 2016

Le présent ouvrage se propose d’apporter quelques éléments d’appui supplémentaires aux policy-makers pour une meilleure identification des...

The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Middle East and North Africa

Martin Keulertz, Eckart Woertz | November 24, 2016

This book discusses key issues concerning water, energy and food in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. It provides an interdisciplinary...

Reconfiguration of the Global South: Africa and Latin America and the 'Asian Century'

Eckart Woertz | November 24, 2016

Since the 1980s there has been a steady shift from West to East in the international system, economically, politically and culturally. Emerging...

International Jobs Report : Update November 2016

Prakash Loungani | November 09, 2016

The global unemployment rate inched up to 5.7 percent this year after several years of decline. This reflects sharp increases in unemployment in the...

Dialogues Stratégiques "Nouveaux axes stratégiques et défis sécuritaires" Et "Cas de la Chine et de la bande sahélo-saharienne"

Pascal Chaigneau, Karim El Aynaoui , Rachid El Houdaigui , Pierre-Marie Faivre, Jeremy Ghez, Jacques Gravereau, Philippe Migaux, Alain Oudot de Dain-ville, Fathallah Oualalou , Abdallah Saaf , Alfredo Valladão , Abdelhak Bassou | October 17, 2016

Cette publication conjointe entre HEC Center for Geopolitics et OCP Policy Center, compile douze Policy Papers qui ont été présentés, discutés et...

Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives

Nuria Boot , Uri Dadush , Karim El Aynaoui , Karim El Mokri , Simone Tagliapietra , Karen E. Wilson , Guntram B. Wolff , Georg Zachmann , Rim Berahab | August 22, 2016

This joint Bruegel-OCP Policy Center publication comprised of four policy contributions from researchers of both institutions is the result of the...

Africa and the Global Commodity Markets

Under the Supervision of Philippe Chalmin and Yves Jégourel | July 04, 2016

Guinea’s bauxite, Moroccan phosphates, Nigerian Bonny Light, Zambian copper, Côte d'Ivoire’s cocoa, Ethiopian coffee or Madagascar’s vanilla:...

The Future of Natural Gas : Markets and Geopolitics

Silvia Colombo, Mohamed El Harrak and Nicolò Sartori , Silvia Colombo, Mohamed El Harrak and Nicolò Sartori | May 27, 2016

Energy is at the core of the remarkable current transitions in the global economy and geopolitics, and natural gas plays a crucial role in these...
