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Evolving Human Security Challenges in the Atlantic Space

Abdelhak Bassou , Amal El Ouassif | November 19, 2019

In the context of the Policy Center for the New South Partnership with Jean Monnet Network on Atlantic Studies, a project coordinated by the Fundação...

Thinking outside the Grid: The role of decentralized power systems in electrifying Sub Saharan Africa

Rim Berahab | November 15, 2019

Meeting the energy needs of the developing world remains a critical development priority. Access to energy has been identified as correlating with...

EMBRAER and the trajectory of Brazil’s aeronautics industry ecosystem

Pedro da Motta Veiga, Sandra Polónia Rios | November 14, 2019

Created as a State-owned company in the late 1960s, Embraer was privatized in the mid- 1990s and became the main Brazilian company producing and...

Les crypto-monnaies, unités de compte cryptées ou monnaie cryptée : le cas du Bitcoin et de la Libra

Henri-Louis Vedie | November 13, 2019

La décennie 2009-2019 a vu se développer les crypto-monnaies. Ce que certains appellent des unités de compte cryptées. Cette étude est consacrée à...

Morocco’s excessive geographic export concentration

Uri Dadush , Hamza Saoudi | November 05, 2019

In this brief, we review the evidence on Morocco’s export concentration, discuss its causes, and then draw some policy implications. The main...

State Failure and Rebel Governance in Africa

Hisham Aidi | November 05, 2019

Since 2013, armed conflict has raged in the Central African Republic, between the largely Muslim Seleka rebels and the predominantly Christian...

Towards a fertilizer policy for smallholder agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa : The critical importance of taking a holistic approach

Isabelle Tsakok | October 30, 2019

Subsidizing fertilizer prices has been a popular policy tool to increase fertilizer use, but should it be? The main message of this Policy Brief is...

Le développement des hydrocarbures en Afrique de l’Est, Défis politiques et sécuritaires

Benjamin AUGE | October 29, 2019

L’ Afrique de l’Est a le potentiel de connaître un boom gazier et d’ exportation de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) ces...

The Rationale behind India’s Shift to Africa

Samuel Arnaud , Ihssane Guennoun | October 28, 2019

Africa, as a continent of economic opportunities, is attracting foreign players. In this context, India is emerging as an important partner,...

Humanitarian Assistance as Peace-Keeping - Beyond Charity -

Shoji Matsumoto | October 24, 2019

Due to the prevailing nationalism, the prospect of increase in voluntary donation for humanitarian assistance by States and citizens in charity is...
