Jeremy Guez, Pascal Chaigneau,
Abdallah Saaf
Mohammed Loulichki
, Capitaine Marianne Peron Doise, Henri Louis Vedie,
Abdelhak Bassou
, Rodolphe Monnet,
El Mostafa Rezrazi
, Philippe Tauzin,
Francis Perrin
Larabi Jaidi
, Florent Parmentier,
Alfredo G. A Valladao
| April 10, 2018
L’année 2018 peut être marquée par le signe de l’incertitude. Au niveau géopolitique, l’élection de Donald Trump a chamboulé la perception des États...
Ewan Lawson | April 09, 2018
Violent conflict continues to be a drain on Africa economically, and a disruption politically. Efforts at conflict prevention and peacekeeping have...
Abdelhak Bassou
| April 05, 2018
Are we witnessing a third generation of jihadism rearing its head in the Sahel? In the wake of the globalised movement
of jihad in the 1990s,...
Abdelhak Bassou
| April 05, 2018
Sommes-nous en train d’assister à l’émergence d’une troisième génération de jihadisme au Sahel ? Après le phénomène
mondialisé des années 90 né sous...
هل نشهد اليوم نشأة جيل ثالث من العنف في الساحل؟ بعد الظاهرة العالمية لتسعينيات القرن الماضي
التي نشأت بدافع من المجاهدين الأفغان وقادها أسامة بن...
| March 30, 2018
Current levels of youth unemployment have hovered much higher than average unemployment
in many developed and developing countries. European and...
Matthieu Tardis | March 23, 2018
Since 2015 and the refugee crisis, the dialogue between the European Union (EU) and African countries on migration issues has assumed a new intensity...
Depuis 2015 et la crise de l’accueil des réfugiés, le dialogue entre l’Union européenne (UE) et les pays africains sur les questions migratoires a...
Larabi Jaidi
Iván Martin
| March 23, 2018
A un moment où l’Afrique renforce son attractivité, se dote de son propre récit et suscite
l’intérêt de nouveaux partenaires, et où l’Europe...
Will Martin | March 23, 2018
The irony facing many developing countries today is that increased food trade and the implications of globalization has
created a situation where...
Hynd Bouhia - Global Nexus | March 14, 2018
The Nexus of Water-Energy-Food is at the center of climate change mitigation and adaptation. In fact, the many approaches for these sectors cannot be...
Editor : Yves Jégourel
| March 14, 2018
Commodities are at the very heart of economic activity. From oil to wheat, from aluminum to coffee or rubber, we are all, in one way or another and...