Vers une stratégie économique basée sur l’amélioration de la productivité Elhadj EZZAHID | July 19, 2019 Les recherches sur les sources de croissance de long terme des économies montrent qu’elle dépend plus de la croissance de la productivité que de la...
The Entrepreneurial South African State: An analysis of current government action to stimulate innovation and recommendations for future policy and initiatives Sandiso Sibisi | July 17, 2019 Despite considerable effort from the South African government to drive innovation, the investments to date have not reaped the fruits expected by...
2019 Secretary-General Report on Sahara: What’s New - ‘Neighbouring States as Parties’ in Roundtable - Shoji Matsumoto | July 01, 2019 Few weeks ago, I gained the chance of reading the UN Security Council resolution 2468 of 30 April on MINURSO , and was surprised by the frequently...
The Global Outlook, Trade Conflicts and Africa Uri Dadush | June 27, 2019 After a long spell of slow growth in the wake of the global financial crisis, the global economy was gaining speed over 2016-2018, but this recovery...
China’s FDI in Brazil: recent trends and policy debate Pedro da Motta Veiga, Sandra Polónia Rios | June 25, 2019 From 2010 onwards, China has become a relevant foreign investor in Brazil, mainly through State-owned companies investing in infrastructure –...
The Geopolitics of the Renminbi Evolution Marcus Vinicius De Freitas | June 17, 2019 There is no doubt that the ascension of China, which is at the centre of the global debate, is the most relevant fact of the 21st century. A rising...
Bretton Woods system: did we throw the baby out with the bathwater ? Lessons for developing economies Mouhamadou M. LY | May 29, 2019 The world economy has gone through several systems to determine a value between country’s currencies. After the Second World War and the so-called...
The UK’s policy towards Africa post-Brexit Juliana Suess, Project Officer and Research Analyst, RUSI | May 24, 2019 On the eve of Britain’s exit from the European Union, the country is redefining its international approach. The United Kingdom has already taken...
The escalating China-US trade dispute: economic and geopolitical implications for Sub-Saharan Africa Uri Dadush | May 22, 2019 The trade tensions between the United States and China will cause only minor immediate damage to their giant economies. However, tariffs have...
The Crisis in World Trade Akman, S., Armstrong, S., Braga, C., Dadush, U. , Gonzalez, A., Kimura, F., Nagakawa, J., Rashish, P., Tamura, A. | May 15, 2019 This policy brief (PB), prepared for the G-20 Working Group on Trade, aims to provide decision-makers with a succinct review of the state of the...