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Related events to Karim El Aynaoui

Add to Calendar 2016-11-10 15:00 2016-11-10 16:30 Africa/Casablanca Low Carbon Renewable Energy: Lessons from MENA and Latin America Regions Marrakech , Morocco The success of the Paris Agreement is dependent on both the effective implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions, and the increasing ambition of contributions in line with the need for decarbonization of the global economy. Toward this end, countries of the Latin American and Middle East and North African regions have achieved significant deployment of renewable... Marrakech , Morocco OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 10, 2016 More

Low Carbon Renewable Energy: Lessons from MENA and Latin America Regions

Marrakech , Morocco

The success of the Paris Agreement is dependent on both the effective implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions, and the increasing ambition of contributions in line with the need for decarbonization of the global economy. Toward this end, countries of the Latin American and Middle East and North African regions have achieved significant deployment of renewable energy, and have ambitious goals for additional deployment. Such achievements have provided these countries with experience in the large-scale deployment of renewable energy. This experience can inform the pathways forward and implementation approaches being adopted as these countries pursue their ambitious goals for additional deployment. Sharing this experience is of great importance as countries continue to look to renewable energy as a means of achieving the necessary decarbonization of energy systems.

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Add to Calendar 2016-11-01 17:00 2016-11-01 17:00 Africa/Casablanca Call for Papers : Special Issue of Open Economies Review on Global Labor Markets Open Economies Review will publish a special issue during 2017 devoted to analysis of labor markets in advanced countries, emerging markets, and low-income countries. The issue will be edited by Karim El Aynaoui (OCP Policy Center), Nauro Campos (Brunel University) and Prakash Loungani (IMF). Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 01, 2016 More

Call for Papers : Special Issue of Open Economies Review on Global Labor Markets

Open Economies Review will publish a special issue during 2017 devoted to analysis of labor markets in advanced countries, emerging markets, and low-income countries. The issue will be edited by Karim El Aynaoui (OCP Policy Center), Nauro Campos (Brunel University) and Prakash Loungani (IMF).

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Add to Calendar 2016-09-28 09:00 2016-09-28 17:30 Africa/Casablanca Conference on Quantitative Tools to Understand and Forecast Commodity Markets OCP Policy Center, Rabat Commodity prices fluctuations continue to affect global economic activity and income distribution both in net exporter and net importer countries. For many economies, especially developing countries, commodities remain an important source of export earnings, and commodity price volatility has a major impact on overall macroeconomic performance. This phenomenon implies... OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 28, 2016 More

Conference on Quantitative Tools to Understand and Forecast Commodity Markets

OCP Policy Center, Rabat

Commodity prices fluctuations continue to affect global economic activity and income distribution both in net exporter and net importer countries. For many economies, especially developing countries, commodities remain an important source of export earnings, and commodity price volatility has a major impact on overall macroeconomic performance. This phenomenon implies actually new challenges for practitioners and policy makers trying to move toward a better understanding of the functioning of those markets. 

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Add to Calendar 2016-09-08 08:30 2016-09-09 17:30 Africa/Casablanca High Level Seminar: The Energy Transition, NDCs, and the Post-COP21 in partnership with the scientific committee of the COP22, Marrakech , Morocco The International Monetary Fund, the Center on Global Economic Governance at Columbia University and OCP Policy Center are co-organizing a High Level Seminar, supported by the COP22 Scientific Committee, under the theme of “The Energy Transition, INDCs, and the Post-COP21” which will take place on September 8th and 9th... Marrakech , Morocco OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 08, 2016 to September 09, 2016 More

High Level Seminar: The Energy Transition, NDCs, and the Post-COP21

in partnership with the scientific committee of the COP22, Marrakech , Morocco

The International Monetary Fund, the Center on Global Economic Governance at Columbia University and OCP Policy Center are co-organizing a High Level Seminar, supported by the COP22 Scientific Committee, under the theme of “The Energy Transition, INDCs, and the Post-COP21” which will take place on September 8th and 9th, 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.

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Add to Calendar 2016-09-05 17:00 2016-09-05 17:00 Africa/Casablanca Appel à Contribution « Industrialisation » en Afrique: vers de nouveaux modèles de croissance ? Sous la Coordination de : Karim El Aynaoui (OCPPC), Ahmadou Aly Mbaye (UCAD) et Mihoub Mezouaghi (AFD)   Contexte Les économies africaines ont connu au cours des deux dernières décennies une croissance économique soutenue. Cependant, ce regain de croissance demeure fragile, tiré principalement par un cycle haussier des prix des matières premières, et n’a pas entrainé une réelle transformation... OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
September 05, 2016 More

Appel à Contribution « Industrialisation » en Afrique: vers de nouveaux modèles de croissance ?

Sous la Coordination de : Karim El Aynaoui (OCPPC), Ahmadou Aly Mbaye (UCAD) et Mihoub Mezouaghi (AFD)



Les économies africaines ont connu au cours des deux dernières décennies une croissance économique soutenue. Cependant, ce regain de croissance demeure fragile, tiré principalement par un cycle haussier des prix des matières premières, et n’a pas entrainé une réelle transformation structurelle des économies africaines (Devarajan et Fengler, 2012). Cette transformation, qui est associée à une réallocation des ressources d’activités à faible productivité vers des activités à plus forte productivité (généralement de l’agriculture vers l’industrie et les services modernes), a joué un rôle crucial dans l’accélération de la croissance économique des économies émergentes. 

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Add to Calendar 2016-07-21 09:15 2016-07-21 18:30 Africa/Casablanca Unlocking Capital Markets in the South for Climate Transition: Constructing Concrete Innovative Solutions OCP Policy Center, Rabat By invitation only The COP 22 Scientific Committee is organizing a workshop on Climate Finance, in light of the COP 22 taking place in Marrakech next November. This will allow for a deeper understanding of the role that Climate Finance can play in assisting economies transition into low carbon economies. Stabilizing the global climate has become one of the most urgent... OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
July 21, 2016 More

Unlocking Capital Markets in the South for Climate Transition: Constructing Concrete Innovative Solutions

OCP Policy Center, Rabat

By invitation only

The COP 22 Scientific Committee is organizing a workshop on Climate Finance, in light of the COP 22 taking place in Marrakech next November. This will allow for a deeper understanding of the role that Climate Finance can play in assisting economies transition into low carbon economies. Stabilizing the global climate has become one of the most urgent challenges and alleviating climate change is today an international priority. However, it requires a cross-disciplinary approach taking into consideration science, economics, society, politics, as well as moral and ethical dimensions.

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Add to Calendar 2016-05-27 09:00 2016-05-27 18:00 Africa/Casablanca International Seminar-Book Presentation : THE FUTURE OF NATURAL GAS: MARKET AND GEOPOLITICS OCP Policy Center, Rabat The International Affairs Institute (IAI) and the OCP Policy Center are organizing an international conference in which prominent international experts will present the final research papers discussed in an earlier event held in Rome. The papers discuss different topics related to the future of gas markets and assess the evolution of the global gas markets in the face of... OCP Policy Center, Rabat OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
May 27, 2016 More

International Seminar-Book Presentation : THE FUTURE OF NATURAL GAS: MARKET AND GEOPOLITICS

OCP Policy Center, Rabat

The International Affairs Institute (IAI) and the OCP Policy Center are organizing an international conference in which prominent international experts will present the final research papers discussed in an earlier event held in Rome.

The papers discuss different topics related to the future of gas markets and assess the evolution of the global gas markets in the face of changing (oil) price dynamics and new gas demand and supply patterns from old actors as well as newcomers. The experts will also explore gas trends in the different parts of the world while discussing specifics aspects of gas markets such as LNG for instance. 

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Add to Calendar 2016-05-16 09:00 2016-05-16 17:00 Africa/Casablanca Examining the Middle East and North Africa Region’s Economic and Trade Policies The Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington DC Karim El Mokri and Abdelaaziz Aït Ali, Senior Economists, OCP Policy Center and Theodore Moran, Peterson Institute, will present recently published papers examining the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region’s economic and trade policies at a PIIE event on May 16, 2016. A presentation has been held at the Peterson Institute to... The Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington DC OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
May 16, 2016 More

Examining the Middle East and North Africa Region’s Economic and Trade Policies

The Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington DC

Karim El Mokri and Abdelaaziz Aït Ali, Senior Economists, OCP Policy Center and Theodore Moran, Peterson Institute, will present recently published papers examining the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region’s economic and trade policies at a PIIE event on May 16, 2016. A presentation has been held at the Peterson Institute to discuss the aforementioned papers, co-chaired by Fred Bergsten, Senior Fellow and Director Emeritus, Peterson Institute for International Economics and Karim El Aynaoui, Managing Director, OCP Policy center.

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