Mostafa Kheireddine
| Posted : September 04, 2020
L’action publique urbaine dans le monde connait une métamorphose grâce à la montée en puissance du numérique dans la production et la gestion de la ville. Si le Maroc a franchi des étapes importantes dans la dématérialisation de certains services publics (impôts, cadastre, marchés publics, etc.), en revanche, d’autres secteurs peinent à suivre la même voie au moment où l’actuelle crise sanitaire de la Covid-19 vient rappeler l’urgence de la structuration de l’écosystème digital et la promotion de l’administration numérique. Ce sont les missions premières de l’Agence de développement du digital, créée en 2017, dans l’objectif de mettre en œuvre la stratégie de l’Etat en matière de développement de l’administration en ligne et de promouvoir la diffusion des outils numériques. D’ailleurs, la Cour des Comptes a relevé le retard du pays en la matière dans son rapport de 2018, en précisant que ‘’le Maroc s’est classé 78ème dans l’indice des services en ligne et 110ème dans l’indice de l’e-gouvernement’’.
Helmut Sorge
| Posted : August 24, 2020
During the medal ceremony at the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City on October 16, 1968, two Black American athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, each raised a gloved fist during the playing of the U.S. national anthem. The two Americans received their medals shoeless, but wearing black socks to represent black poverty. Smith wore a black scarf around his neck to present black pride. Carlos, who won a bronze medal, wore a necklace of beads, which he said “were for those individuals that were lynched or killed and that no-one said a prayer for, that were hung and tarred. It was for those thrown of the side of the boats in the Middle Passage”.
Helmut Sorge
| Posted : August 11, 2020
Possibly Roger Federer would have been ready to play the match against the socialite, who was willing to pay (in 2014) £160,000 for a celebrity match of tennis. But Russian tennis fan Lubov Chernukhin, 48, chose two different partners to be her opponents: David Cameron, then British prime minister, and Boris Johnson, then mayor of London. Chernukhin, who settled in Britain in 2003 and is a British passport holder, like her husband Vladimir, 50, a former Russian deputy finance minister and former chairman of the Russian state bank Vnesekonom, played her British opponents after an auction to benefit the Conservative Party. Mrs Chernukhin never really made a secret out of her interest in really getting to know the power players of Her Majesty’s government: in 2019, the Russian dished out £135,000 for a dinner with prime minister Theresa May and six of her female cabinet ministers at the Goring Hotel in plush Belgravia. The year before, she paid £35,000 at a Conservative Party fund-raising auction to have a private dinner with the then secretary of state for defense, Gavin Williamson. Since 2012, the Russian-born lady has given the Conservative Party £1,765,804, the highest female donor in the party’s history.
Otaviano Canuto
| Posted : August 10, 2020
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released, on August 4th, its ninth annual External Sector Report, where current account imbalances and asset-liability stocks of 30 systemically large economies are approached. This time the report went beyond looking the previous year and tried to anticipate what will be some of the impacts of the still on-going COVID-19 crisis.
Akram Zaoui
| Posted : August 06, 2020
Il y a, d’abord, les premières images. Celles d’une gigantesque déflagration. Même les dizaines de déflagrations, dont nous parviennent régulièrement les clichés ou les films, et qui ont embrasé, ces dernières années, le Moyen-Orient, ne nous ont pas habitués à des images de cette violence.
Helmut Sorge
| Posted : August 03, 2020
It was notthe way you would expect a scientist to be celebrated. InStyle, an American fashion magazine showed on its cover Anthony Fauci, America’s frontline warrior against the COVID-19 virus. Fauci has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, and has been honored by presidents since Ronald Reagan, battling against HIV/Aids, SARS, swine flu, MERS, and Ebola. He is, BBC News stated, “the face of America’s fight against COVID-19”. The virologist, wrote online magazine The Daily Beast (July 16), has spent most of this year as an avuncular figurehead for many Americans desperate for facts and dealing with a truth-adverse administration. InStyle portrayed him sitting by a pool, button-down shirt, dark sunglasses, relaxed, a touch of Hollywood—without face mask though. “Whatever Fauci may lack in outright glamour, he makes up in ubiquity”, observed the Daily Beast. “For much of 2020, his celebrity remains unparalleled … Without trying—only by showing up to work and sharing facts—Dr Fauci has reached the type of all-out idolization Trump so desperately craves”.
Helmut Sorge
| Posted : July 21, 2020
John Wayne was more than just a Hollywood actor. He was an icon, a symbol of the fearless pioneer, fighting Indians, advancing the settlers into unknown territory, always defeating, even humiliating the Indians—proud tribes such as the Sioux and Apache. John Wayne was also a staunch conservative and white supremacist, transferring his movie roles into political life.
Uri Dadush
| Posted : July 20, 2020
This article was originally published on Bruegel.
The global economy is showing signs of recovery from the economic crisis caused by COVID-19, though the spread of the coronavirus is accelerating in some countries. In this circumstance, policymakers must weigh up the trade-offs involved in dealing with the pandemic while easing lock downs and sustaining economic activity. Differences in age structures, urbanisation rates and other factors will inform decision making in different countries.
Otaviano Canuto
| Posted : July 20, 2020
There are signs of recovery in various parts of the global economy, starting in May, after the depressive dip imposed by Covid-19. Such signs emerged after the easing of restrictions on mobility established to flatten out the pandemic curves, and also reflected policies of flattening the recession curve (income transfers to part of the population, credit lines to vulnerable companies and others).
Youssef Tobi
| Posted : July 10, 2020
Six mois après la remise en question de la présence française au Sahel et l’engagement pris pour accélérer les efforts de lutte contre le terrorisme dans la région, la France, principale puissance impliquée dans la région, rencontre ses partenaires africains pour un point d’étape et lance un message fort à la communauté internationale : là où la France s’engagera, l’Europe s’engagera aussi.