ADEL Portrait: Kheston Walkins, CEO and Chief of Neuroinnovation Officer of Allegori
“Fathom the incredible, create the crazy”
Not a Good Loser
If America votes Donald Trump out of office in November, will he go? Just a few days ago (Sept.
Don’t Expect Miracles from the Multilaterals
Latin American and Caribbean economies need help, but organizations like the IDB are also stretched thin. First appeared at Americas Quarterly
L’urbanisme numérique au Maroc tiendra-t-il ses promesses ?
L’action publique urbaine dans le monde connait une métamorphose grâce à la montée en puissance du numérique dans la production et la gestion de la ville.
Anthem Protest
During the medal ceremony at the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City on October 16, 1968, two Black American athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, each raised a gloved fist during the playing of the U.S. national anthem. The two Americans received their medals shoeless, but wearing black socks to represent black poverty. Smith wore a black scarf around his neck to present black pride.
A Shadow Over the Generous Spending
Possibly Roger Federer would have been ready to play the match against the socialite, who was willing to pay (in 2014) £160,000 for a celebrity match of tennis. But Russian tennis fan Lubov Chernukhin, 48, chose two different partners to be her opponents: David Cameron, then British prime minister, and Boris Johnson, then mayor of London.
Global imbalances, coronavirus, and safe assets
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released, on August 4th, its ninth annual External Sector Report, where current account imbalances and asset-liability stocks of 30 systemically large economies are approached.
Qui a tué le Liban ?
Il y a, d’abord, les premières images. Celles d’une gigantesque déflagration. Même les dizaines de déflagrations, dont nous parviennent régulièrement les clichés ou les films, et qui ont embrasé, ces dernières années, le Moyen-Orient, ne nous ont pas habitués à des images de cette violence.
It’s Pretty Tough Walking a Tightrope
It was notthe way you would expect a scientist to be celebrated. InStyle, an American fashion magazine showed on its cover Anthony Fauci, America’s frontline warrior against the COVID-19 virus.
The Indians Were Selfish
John Wayne was more than just a Hollywood actor. He was an icon, a symbol of the fearless pioneer, fighting Indians, advancing the settlers into unknown territory, always defeating, even humiliating the Indians—proud tribes such as the Sioux and Apache. John Wayne was also a staunch conservative and white supremacist, transferring his movie roles into political life.