ADEL Portrait: Clarissa Rios Rojas, Research Associate at the Center for the Study of Existential Risk
Born in 1984 in Peru and trained as a scientist, Clarissa Rios Rojas has a PhD in molecular biology, but also a clear taste for exploring beyond her field to see the bigger picture.
العولمة و السمعة ما بعد اختبار الجائحة
إن حسن تدبير فترات الاختبارات و المحن و الأزمات كان دوما مصدر السمعة الطيبة دوليا للكيانات الوطنية. إذ أن هذه الأخيرة توظفها في التأقلم مع التحولات التي تتولد عن هذه الفترات الحرجة و تساعدها على المساهمة في كتابة المستقبل.
L'impact de la Covid-19 sur les relations internationales
À l’heure actuelle, l’humanité baigne dans une crise profonde dont la portée est universelle. Le constat est sans appel : la pandémie Covid-19 a enclenché une panique immense impliquant l’ordre social, les structures économiques et politiques, pour ne citer que ces aspects. S’agissant du volet politique, il est évident que les incidences de cette pandémie traversent aisément les frontières.
Consolidating Power
In times of shadow and despair, populists and authoritarians move in to undermine free speech and democracy.
L’Afrique de l’Ouest face au terrorisme sahélien, le combattre maintenant ou le subir à jamais
La Covid-19, menace conjoncturelle en dépit des impacts néfastes attendus, ne doit pas nous détourner complètement de menaces en phase de devenir structurelles et menacer toute une région dans son existence. Le terrorisme au Sahel et dans la région du Lac Tchad s’est avéré résilient face aux efforts jusqu’à présent déployés.
Is the United States Reopening Safely?
The United States has suffered more COVID-19 casualties than any other country and continues to report large numbers of new cases and deaths, and – as evident recently in stock markets – investors remain extremely sensitive to the epidemic’s shifting trends.
I Can’t Breathe
She is just seventeen. An African-American high-school student. If Darnella Frazier had not turned on her cellphone on May 25, when she witnessed four police officers arresting a black man in Minneapolis, the world would never have known how George Floyd died that day, or why. A convenience store employee had called the police, accusing Mr Floyd of buying cigarettes with a fake $20 bill.
Cuba in the Coronavirus Crisis
When the cruise ship the MS Braemar in March had coronavirus cases confirmed on board, it struggled to find somewhere to dock. The Americans turned it away, as did the Bahamas. But another nation, just 200 miles off the U.S. coast, accepted the desperate Braemar. Cuba allowed it to berth in Puerto Mariel, 40 kilometers west of the capital, Havana.
معالجة الإعلام المغربي للزمن الوبائي: قراءة أولية
شكلت جائحة كوفيد 19 تحديا غير مسبوق بالنسبة للإعلام المغربي بمختلف منابره المكتوبة والمسموعة والمرئية والإلكترونية. كان السؤال يطرح إشكالية تنشيط آليات إعلام أزمات في بلد لم يشهد الجيل الصحافي الممارس به أزمة سابقة تكرس تقليدا وتشحذ مهارات وتبني ذاكرة خبرة للتعاطي مع حالة استعجالية من هذا الحجم، ومن هذا النوع.
Higher Debt, Deeper Digitization, and Less Globalization Will be Coronavirus Legacies
Three features of the post-pandemic global economy can already be anticipated: the worldwide rise in public and private debt levels, accelerated digitization, and a partial reversal of globalization. The first arises from the public sector's role as the ultimate insurer against catastrophes, government policies to smooth pandemic curves and the coronavirus recession.