He recently presented a highly acclaimed three part documentary series, My Africa, exploring the social and economic transformation of the continent. Before joining the BBC, Kasujja was the host of Uganda’s leading morning radio program on Capital FM. He also worked in Nairobi and presented the East African version of the TV series Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
Early in his career, Karlsson worked at the Swedish Foreign Ministry as chief economist. He served as foreign policy advisor to Swedish Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson's Commission on Global Governance, as well as the Swedish state secretary for international development cooperation. He began his career in development when he joined the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency in 1983.
He is also the head of a master program focused on banking, finance and international trading both at the University of Bordeaux and at Vietnam National University (Hanoi, Vietnam). Jégourel has authored several books in the field of finance, including a work studying financial derivatives. He holds a BA from Middlesex University and a MsC and PhD from the University of Bordeaux. Jégourel is a former auditor with the Institute of Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN).
A former State Department and White House official, Hyde brings more than 20 years of experience in law and public policy to MCC. At MCC, she has directed new agency partnerships in Asia and some of the poorest regions in Africa, elevated MCC’s focus on policy reforms to catalyze private investment, and worked to ensure that American aid dollars are efficiently and effectively reaching those in need. Hyde is a graduate of Georgetown Law School and holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of California, Los Angeles.
HPS is a leading payment software company providing electronic payment solutions for financial institutions, processors and national switches all around the world. Through its all-in-one platform used by more than 350 issuers, acquirers and national switches, HPS solutions process any card type (credit, debit, prepaid, loyalty, corporate and fuel) via any channel (ATM, POS, internet and mobile) for any kind of merchant. HPS operates in over 85 countries in the 5 continents and counts among its clients several top 100 financial institutions worldwide.
He taught at the universities of Parma and Bologna. From 2000 to 2006 he worked as correspondent for the Economist Intelligence Unit. From 1993 to 2000 he directed the IAI's program on Central and Eastern Europe. Also he was deputy director of the IAI from 1997 to 2008. From 2000 to 2006 he was editor of The International Spectator. He is the author of a number of publications on the EU's institutions and foreign policy, transatlantic relations, and the Balkans. He has been a freelance journalist since 1988.
He has been a member of the councils of Chatham House, the Royal United Services Institute, the Overseas Development Institute, the board of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, and the advisory council at Wilton Park.
Gottsleben is a 2016 graduate of the Women’s Campaign School at Yale University, and a 2014 inductee to the Order of Pegasus, the most prestigious and significant award attainable at the University of Central Florida, from which she holds two bachelor’s degrees with honors in radio and television broadcast journalism and political science, and a leadership studies certificate. She previously served as a UNESCO delegate on climate change, as a multimedia journalist and director, as a fellow on global peace and security, and most recently as a U.S.
In 2002, he was promoted to the executive directorship and became one of 24 members of the World Bank board tasked with leading strategic and investment activities. In that role, Mr. Gomes has sought to serve the African nations with passion and innovation. He introduced among other ideas, “World Bank Board Africa Day,” the “Action Plan for Africa,” and the “Fund for Competitiveness and Growth.” For 4 years, he also served as Vice President of the Governance Committee tasked with reforming the Bank’s decision making processes.
He was executive director of the Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs (DEREX) at the Federation of Industries of State of Sao Paulo (FIESP) for the period of 2004-13. He was also president at FUNCEX — Fundação Centro de Estudos de Comércio Exterior (2004-09) and president at the Brazilian Export Beef Association (ABIEC) (2008-10). He is author of the book Memórias de um Trader (2002).