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2017-09-18 09:30
2017-09-18 17:30
China’s Belt and Road – Towards Globalization with Chinese Characteristics?
Paris, France
In 2013, Chinese president Xi Jinping first unveiled his broad vision to
develop regional connectivity and infrastructure across Eurasia that would
later be officially named the Belt and Road Initiative (or yi dai yi lu, One
Belt, One Road, or OBOR). The initiative has emerged as a central narrative
of Xi’s foreign policy, and China has already committed an estimated $300
billion in...
L’Institut français des relations internationales (Ifri), Paris, France
OCP Policy Center
September 18, 2017
China’s Belt and Road – Towards Globalization with Chinese Characteristics?
Paris, France
In 2013, Chinese president Xi Jinping first unveiled his broad vision to develop regional connectivity and infrastructure across Eurasia that would later be officially named the Belt and Road Initiative (or yi dai yi lu, One Belt, One Road, or OBOR). The initiative has emerged as a central narrative of Xi’s foreign policy, and China has already committed an estimated $300 billion in financing for infrastructure projects such as roads, railways, ports, power plants and telecommunications hardware across Asia to the Middle East, Europe and Africa. Some estimate the figure could reach $1 trillion over the next decade. Moving beyond physical infrastructure, China hopes to make OBOR a catalyst for developing the so-called “five connectivities” to include infrastructure, finance, commerce, people-to-people exchanges and policy coordination – in effect taking on a more normative role in shaping the regional economic and social order. By now opening the initiative up to all countries and regions of the world, China is seemingly looking to develop OBOR into a broad-ranging platform for coordinating regional development and, possibly, global governance.
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2017-09-14 09:00
2017-09-15 16:00
Séminaire : L’avenir des relations Europe-Afrique : Quels enjeux stratégiques et Quelles perspectives pour le Maroc ?
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
By invitation only
Le prochain sommet Union européenne-Afrique, se tiendra fin novembre 2017 à
Abidjan, pour sa cinquième édition. Cadre institutionnel pour débattre des
coopérations entre les pays des deux continents, ce sommet examinera, en
autres, les questions stratégiques de paix et de sécurité, des droits
humains, de réchauffement climatique, de terrorisme...
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
OCP Policy Center
September 14, 2017 to September 15, 2017
Séminaire : L’avenir des relations Europe-Afrique : Quels enjeux stratégiques et Quelles perspectives pour le Maroc ?
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
By invitation only
Le prochain sommet Union européenne-Afrique, se tiendra fin novembre 2017 à Abidjan, pour sa cinquième édition. Cadre institutionnel pour débattre des coopérations entre les pays des deux continents, ce sommet examinera, en autres, les questions stratégiques de paix et de sécurité, des droits humains, de réchauffement climatique, de terrorisme transfrontalier, de prospérité et de stratégie commune UE-Afrique...
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2017-07-25 10:30
2017-07-25 12:00
France : Nouvelle Présidence, bilan d’étape et perspectives
Par invitation,
OCP Policy Center a le plaisir d’accueillir M. Laurent Bigorgne, Directeur
de L’institut Montaigne, qui animera un séminaire suivi d’un débat.
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
OCP Policy Center
July 25, 2017
France : Nouvelle Présidence, bilan d’étape et perspectives
Par invitation,
OCP Policy Center a le plaisir d’accueillir M. Laurent Bigorgne, Directeur de L’institut Montaigne, qui animera un séminaire suivi d’un débat.
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2017-07-19 09:30
2017-07-19 14:00
Exploring Brazilian and Moroccan Regional Strengths for a New South Atlantic Partnership
By invitation only,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Analyzing the Brazilian position beyond frontiers is only relevant when first
shedding the light on the main strategic fields that promote the country’s
exclusive growth and development. Considered as a major global exporter,
Brazil benefits from several high added value sectors that strongly
contribute to the recent modest GDP recovery after the economic...
Sao Paulo
OCP Policy Center
July 19, 2017
Exploring Brazilian and Moroccan Regional Strengths for a New South Atlantic Partnership
By invitation only,
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Analyzing the Brazilian position beyond frontiers is only relevant when first shedding the light on the main strategic fields that promote the country’s exclusive growth and development. Considered as a major global exporter, Brazil benefits from several high added value sectors that strongly contribute to the recent modest GDP recovery after the economic recession that started in 2014. Areas like agricultural commodities, mining, energy and aerospace industries are some perfect examples in this context.
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2017-07-17 09:00
2017-07-17 18:00
Assessing and Redefining Policies towards Africa in a New Global Scenario: Intersecting Perspectives between Brazil and Morocco
Sao Paulo, Brazil
In the framework of the analytical partnership between the Center for
Integration and Development Studies (CINDES) based in Brazil and OCP Policy
Center in Morocco, intended at improving and deepening through research the
economic relations between Brazil and Morocco and foster Brazil-Morocco
cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa, several research and policy papers have
been written...
Sao Paulo, Brazil
OCP Policy Center
July 17, 2017
Assessing and Redefining Policies towards Africa in a New Global Scenario: Intersecting Perspectives between Brazil and Morocco
Sao Paulo, Brazil
In the framework of the analytical partnership between the Center for Integration and Development Studies (CINDES) based in Brazil and OCP Policy Center in Morocco, intended at improving and deepening through research the economic relations between Brazil and Morocco and foster Brazil-Morocco cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa, several research and policy papers have been written by economists and experts. In this context, seminars will be held in Brazil, on july 17th, in order to hold strategic discussions with key economic players from the two continents on the outcomes of the research projects. These Strategic Dialogues aim to be a platform for dialogue and exchange for key Brazilian and Moroccan stakeholders engaged in the development of the African continent, providing elements for discussion on the partnership perspectives between Brazil, Morocco and Africa. It also represents an opportunity to enhance and further these discussions between think tanks committed to bringing a contribution to analyzing regional and international geopolitical dynamics, and for private and public operators to draw from the analyses in order to make informative decisions and draft fact based integration and cooperation policies.
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2017-07-10 14:00
2017-07-11 17:30
African Peace and Security Annual Conference - APSACO
African Union: What are the Possible Options for Strategic Autonomy ?
By invitation only,
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
The African Union (AU), since its creation, has taken a predominant and
active role in matters related to the continent. It therefore took an active
stance in the definition of the economic and political destiny of African
nations. To enable it to play such a preponderant role, the...
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
OCP Policy Center
July 10, 2017 to July 11, 2017
African Peace and Security Annual Conference - APSACO
African Union: What are the Possible Options for Strategic Autonomy ?
By invitation only,
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
The African Union (AU), since its creation, has taken a predominant and active role in matters related to the continent. It therefore took an active stance in the definition of the economic and political destiny of African nations. To enable it to play such a preponderant role, the Union counts on an original institutional framework, an African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and a secretariat (commission) which serves as a boosting coordination body for the various common policies of member states. This institutional metamorphosis, makes perfect sense when analysed in the context of the desire to increase the strategic resilience and the pre-eminence of the African Union and sub-regional organizations, to setup of continental free trade zones, to boost the south-south cooperation and to increase the triangular cooperation and the institutionalization of international partnerships in the unique diplomatic agenda of the African Union.
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2017-06-30 17:30
2017-06-30 19:30
Présentation livre ‘Cohésion Sociale, Institutions et Politiques Publiques’
OCP Policy Center organise la présentation du livre sur la ‘Cohésion
Sociale, Institutions et Politiques Publiques’ le Vendredi 30 Juin 2017 à
17h30 à Rabat. A ce titre, certains auteurs présenteront leur recherche
durant la première session qui sera ensuite suivie d’un débat.
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
OCP Policy Center
June 30, 2017
Présentation livre ‘Cohésion Sociale, Institutions et Politiques Publiques’
OCP Policy Center organise la présentation du livre sur la ‘Cohésion Sociale, Institutions et Politiques Publiques’ le Vendredi 30 Juin 2017 à 17h30 à Rabat. A ce titre, certains auteurs présenteront leur recherche durant la première session qui sera ensuite suivie d’un débat.
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2017-06-19 09:00
2017-06-19 16:45
Presentation - Call for Papers - Stability and Security in Africa : The Role of Hard and Soft Power
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane
Defining power is complex and ambiguous but understanding its elements and
implications on national and foreign policies remains central to the study of
international relations. Both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ powers are employed
to pursue political and strategic goals through military, economic,
diplomatic and others ways of conquering hearts and minds, to create...
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane
OCP Policy Center
June 19, 2017
Presentation - Call for Papers - Stability and Security in Africa : The Role of Hard and Soft Power
Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane
Defining power is complex and ambiguous but understanding its elements and implications on national and foreign policies remains central to the study of international relations. Both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ powers are employed to pursue political and strategic goals through military, economic, diplomatic and others ways of conquering hearts and minds, to create convincing incentives and exercise influence.
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2017-06-13 14:00
2017-06-13 16:00
Politics and Security in Turbulent Times
OCP Policy Center is hosting Sir John Sawers, Chairman and Partner of Macro
Advisory Partners and former Chief of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence
Service (MI-6), on June 13th, 2017 within its Rabat offices.
Not specified
OCP Policy Center
June 13, 2017
Politics and Security in Turbulent Times
OCP Policy Center is hosting Sir John Sawers, Chairman and Partner of Macro Advisory Partners and former Chief of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service (MI-6), on June 13th, 2017 within its Rabat offices.
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2017-04-13 09:00
2017-04-13 09:00
3ème édition des Dialogues Stratégiques : Recomposition géopolitique du Proche et Moyen Orient, et Golfe arabo-persique et nouvelle physionomie du Golfe de Guinée
Paris, France
Séminaire par invitation
HEC Center for Geopolitics et OCP Policy Center ont lancé en 2016, le
premier cycle des «Strategic Dialogues», une plateforme d’analyse et de
débat stratégique autour des principaux enjeux géopolitiques et
sécuritaires internationaux, mais également régionaux revêtant une
importance capitale pour les continents européen et africain.
Paris, France
OCP Policy Center
April 13, 2017
3ème édition des Dialogues Stratégiques : Recomposition géopolitique du Proche et Moyen Orient, et Golfe arabo-persique et nouvelle physionomie du Golfe de Guinée
Paris, France
Séminaire par invitation
HEC Center for Geopolitics et OCP Policy Center ont lancé en 2016, le premier cycle des «Strategic Dialogues», une plateforme d’analyse et de débat stratégique autour des principaux enjeux géopolitiques et sécuritaires internationaux, mais également régionaux revêtant une importance capitale pour les continents européen et africain.
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