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  1. The Role of Eco-Industrial Parks in Environmentally-Responsible Economic Growth Nadia Makara Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Alumna (2018) Posted : June 03, 2021

    In an effort to spur economic growth, industrial parks were created to combine industrial activities with infrastructure, service, and commercial activities. These parks involve a collection of businesses, utilizing a combination of heavy and light manufacturing, that are located in a dedicated zone for industrial use to boost efficiency, minimize operational costs, and maximize output.

  2. ADEL Portrait : Patricia Ahanda, consultant in leadership Sabine Cessou Posted : June 01, 2021

    This young French entrepreneur cannot be reduced to a single side of herself. To describe her as the founder of Lydexperience, a training platform focused on leadership coaching, is certainly not enough. She is also into politics and has held an electoral mandate, with expertise on equality, training and female entrepreneurship.

  3. La Diaspora, une "13ème Région" en faveur du développement socio-économique du Maroc Mahmoud Arbouch Posted : May 31, 2021

    La Diaspora marocaine, qui compte aujourd’hui près de 5 millions de ressortissants à l’étranger, contribue de manière significative au développement économique du Maroc.  Leurs transferts de fonds jouent un rôle crucial dans la réduction de la pauvreté, surtout en milieu rural.  Ils permettent également d’améliorer l’accès à l'éducation et à la santé.

  4. Are We on the Verge of a New Commodity Super-Cycle? Otaviano Canuto Posted : May 24, 2021

    Commodity prices have recovered their 2020 losses and, in most cases, are now above pre-pandemic levels (Figure 1). The pace of Chinese growth since 2020 and the economic recovery that has accompanied vaccine rollouts in advanced companies are seen as driving demand upward, while supply restrictions for some items—oil, copper, and some food products—have favored their upward adjustment.

  5. L’Union européenne sort ses griffes contre le Maroc, quel courage !! Rachid El Houdaigui Posted : May 24, 2021

    Au-delà des faits et de leurs soubassements, la réaction de l’Union européenne au flux massif de migrants vers Sebta révèle le vrai visage de ce partenaire clé du Maroc et du continent africain ; une posture représentée par deux visages opposés, celui des beaux discours sur les valeurs du partenariat et, l’autre, de la realpolitik tournée plus vers le passé que vers le futur.

  6. La Unión Europea saca las garras contra Marruecos, ¡qué valentía! Rachid El Houdaigui Posted : May 24, 2021

    Más allá de los hechos y sus fundamentos, la reacción europea respecto al flujo masivo de migrantes a Sebta revela el verdadero rostro de este socio clave de Marruecos y del continente africano, una postura representada por dos caras opuestas: la de los bonitos discursos sobre los valores del partenariado por un lado, y por otro la de la realpolitik que mira más hacia el pasado que el

  7. Generous Gesture Helmut Sorge Posted : May 20, 2021

    The Policy Brief ‘Pandemic, Preparedness, Morocco, and Africa’ by Uri Dadush provoked a personal reaction: Morocco may never be crowned football’s world champions, alas, but which nation, besides China, New Zealand, Israel, Japan, Denmark, Vietnam, organized its anti-COVID-19 offensive more digitally and in a more modern way than the Kingdom?

  8. ADEL Portrait : Prince Boadu, a Supply Chain Manager with an African Dream Sabine Cessou Posted : May 17, 2021

    Born and raised in Accra, Prince Boadu thrives on love and self-confidence. His role models are no other than his wife and two pastors in Ghana, Prophet Edem Julius-Cudjoe and Pastor Isaac Oti Boateng, founder of “Love Economy”, a mix of management and Christian spirituality. Prince Boadu’s own selfless dream is to “create pathways for others to succeed”.

  9. Biden’s Surprises Uri Dadush Posted : May 17, 2021

    Joe Biden’s victory in the U.S. elections was widely anticipated, and much of what has happened since he took office on January 21 has conformed to his election promise. The progress he helped steer in vaccinations and repairing the pandemic’s economic damage is especially impressive. However, the first 100 days of his term have also seen major unexpected developments.

  10. Le monde face à l’épidémie du Coronavirus : la nécessité d’un renouveau humaniste Asma Lamrabet Posted : May 15, 2021

    Il y a, désormais, un avant et un après Coronavirus dans le récit de l’histoire de l’humanité de ce XXIème siècle. L’épidémie du Coronavirus représente sans doute le point de rupture historique symbolique d’une nouvelle reconfiguration du monde.
