Between the Virus and the Economy: the Situation of Argentina in Times of Covid-19
Last December, Covid-19 news emerged from China and, as the epicenter of the pandemic moved to Europe in February, and then to the United States in March, the news hotspots moved there too. However, there has been only a few global news streams about how South American countries, and Argentina in particular, are fighting against the pandemic.
Behavioral Analysis of COVID-19
In the last two decades, the world has experienced two main global crises: the financial crisis of 2008 and the current COVID-19 health crisis. A prima facie comparison reveals at least two apparent common factors: contagion effect and panic.
Bring Light Inside the Body
For the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Thursday April 23, 2020, would turn out to be one of those wasted days. President Donald Trump’s approval ratings are declining, the number of unemployed is rising into historic dimensions.
De l’intérêt d’une coopération avancée entre la Maroc et la CEDEAO à l’heure de la guerre contre la pandémie du Coronavirus
La Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) est souvent présentée comme étant le système d’intégration régionale le plus dynamique du continent africain. Les Conférences des chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement y sont régulières, les citoyens de la Communauté disposent d’un passeport commun et les discussions sur une monnaie unique sont à l’ordre du jour.
I Like Him and He Likes Me
Kim Jong-un, the dictator of North Korea, disappeared from public view after an appearance at a Workers' Party politburo meeting on April 11. The unpredictable leader did not appear to celebrate the anniversary of his grandfather’s birthday four days later, an important holiday for the nation.
The Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism
Tourism is considered one of the hardest hits by the COVID-19 outbreak. The sector is experiencing a rapid and sharp drop in demand and a surge in job losses at global level, putting many SMEs at risk.
Richesses immatérielles et développement
Dans sa « Muqaddima » (Prolégomènes), Ibn Khaldûn décrivait le Soufisme comme une science des cœurs ou, plus précisément, encore, une connaissance des « états intérieurs ». Citons Ibn Khaldûn :
Le Maroc post-Covid-19 : croquer la mondialisation à pleines dents
Dans le combat contre la pandémie du Covid-19, le Maroc a choisi de fermer ses frontières aériennes, maritimes et terrestres pour contenir la propagation du virus.
Channels of transmission of coronavirus to developing economies from abroad
In a previous article, we highlighted how developing economies have faced simultaneous shocks from their external environment, as pandemic and recession curves have unfolded abroad (Canuto, 2020a). In addition to financial shocks, there have been declines in r
Coronavirus et climat : tirer les leçons du cas français
Nous abordons la question de l’impact du climat sur la propagation de Covid-19 avec une certaine hésitation, car nous sommes des économistes, et non des virologues.