I am the last and only dictator of Europe
His message was one of reassurance, just as a great leader has to react in a crisis. The concerns about Covid 19 was nothing but “a frenzy and psychosis”. The President knew the secret to defeat the virus: vodka, sauna, tractor. Didn’t a US president named Donald Trump suggest that toilet cleaning disinfectants chase the virus out of infected lungs on national television?
How Can Data Collection Help Inclusive Green Finance?
Setting the Scene for the Current State of Inclusive Green Finance
A plethora of strategies and plans
It has been more than 100 years since Germany manifested colonial power, a dark period of history indeed. Political and military leaders, supported by its ruler, Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany and King of Prussia, committed crimes against humanity on African land. The first genocide of the 20th Century, mass killings of 65 000 Herero in Africa, today known as Namibia.
Argentina Avoids Falling into Arrears with the IMF
On January 28, both Argentina’s government and the International Monetary Fund staff made announcements about an understanding on new support program.
Will emerging economies face a hard landing?
The year began with simultaneous signs of a slowdown in global economic growth and a reorientation toward tightening of monetary policies in advanced economies.
It’s going to be hell on earth
Time was running out. The invisible, enemy combatants floated into the capital like ghosts. Unopposed, ready to take power, twenty years after they were chased out of town by American military might. August 15/16, 2021, historic days for the Taliban known for severe military and humanitarian abuses.
Green Finance Taxonomies: Measuring which Economic Activities Deserve to be Called Green
Why Green Finance Taxonomies?
ما الذي يعنيه اكتشاف الغاز الطبيعي في المغرب مطلع 2022؟
في يناير/كانون الثاني 2022، أعلنت شركتا التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، شاريوت ليمتد وبريداتور أويل آند غاز هولدينغ، المستقرتان معا في المملكة المغربية، أخبارا سارة حول رخصتين من رخصهما في البلاد. وقد أفاضت اكتشافات الغاز الطبيعي المذكورة الكثير من المداد. غير أن هذا الأمر ليس بالمفاجئ عموما، وذلك لعدة أسباب.
Morocco's Natural Gas discoveries of early 2022: What to make of it?
In January 2022, two UK-based oil companies, Chariot Limited and Predator Oil & Gas Holdings PLC, made positive announcements on two gas fields in Morocco. These natural gas discoveries generated considerable attention.
Découvertes de gaz naturel au Maroc au début 2022 : que faut-il en penser ?
En janvier 2022, deux sociétés pétrolières, Chariot Limited et Predator Oil & Gas Holdings PLC, toutes les deux basées au Royaume-Uni, ont annoncé de bonnes nouvelles sur deux permis au Maroc. Ces découvertes de gaz naturel ont fait couler beaucoup d’encre.