International conference on "Reconfiguration of the Global South : Africa, Latin America and the "Asian Century" "
Barcelona, Spain
Since the 1980s there has been a steady shift from West to East in the international system, first economically, then increasingly also politically and culturally. Emerging markets in Asia have moved up the value chain of industrial production processes and the share of Western industrialized countries in global GDP has declined. Beside the G7 the G20 has emerged as an international platform to discuss challenges of economic cooperation, with mixed success. Asian nations like China and India also assert themselves in security matters and seek new avenues for investment flows and development cooperation.
What will be the role of Africa and Latin America in the approaching “Asian Century” and associated reconfigurations of global value chains? Will they be able to assert themselves and find a voice of their own? Will they manage to develop industries of their own and diversify trade relations? Will they launch new ways of regional south-south cooperation like the three Africa-South-America (ASA) summits that have been held thus far and in which way might they differ from earlier attempts during the non-alignment movement of the 1960s and 1970s? What is the role of migrant communities and cultural exchange? Do Western and Asian approaches to the two continents differ (Washington vs. Beijing consensus)?
Against this backdrop the OCP Policy Center and CIDOB, the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs, conducted a call for papers, inviting submissions that explore the Reconfiguration of the Global South: Africa, Latin America and the “Asian Century”. These papers will represent original research not presented or published elsewhere.
The aforementioned selected research projects are to be presented at the annual conference of the CIDOB-OCP Policy Center partnership in Barcelona on 27-29 January 2016, which will be held in cooperation with think tanks in Latin America and Africa. These selected papers will later be published in Afers Internacionals.
Thursday, 28 January |
09:00 – 09:30 |
Welcome address |
09:30 – 11:30 |
Panel I - OVERVIEW Moderator: Eckart Woertz (CIDOB, Barcelona) - The Asian Century” vs. “Africa Rising”: Reconfiguration - or Re-escalation of Dependency? Ian Taylor (St. Andrews University) - La cooperación al desarrollo china en América Latina: ¿Competencia o complementariedad con el CAD? Mario Esteban (Elcano) y Aitor Pérez (Universidad de Zaragoza) - Sin espacio para todos: China y la competencia por el Sur en el siglo XXI Fernando Mouron (Sao Paulo University / King’s College) - La cooperation Sud-Sud a l’epreuve des strategies de puissance: la « mutualisation juridico-institutionnelle des puissances » comme outil de défense et d’affirmation de l’Afrique face aux partenaires du Sud. Articulation, Enjeux et Perspectives Oumar Kourouma (Faculté de Droit de Tanger) Discussion |
11:30 – 12:00 |
Coffee Break |
12:00 – 14:00 |
PANEL II - ECONOMIC COOPERATION Moderator: Jordi Bacaria (CIDOB, Barcelona) - Economías emergentes. Los determinantes de la Inversión Extranjera Directa en la relación China-América Latina y el Caribe, sus efectos sobre el crecimiento económico y la estructura productiva y sus implicancias políticas para traspasar la trampa del ingreso medio Silvia Simmonit (Universidad de Rosario, Argentina) - The BRIC’s new development bank: a challenge to the Bretton Woods institutions? Gabrielle W. Cusson (University of Liege) - Desafíos petroleros para América Latina y África ante la expansión asiática Ígor Hernandez (Centro Internacional de Energía y Ambiente. Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración, Caracas) - Los proyectos de integración mega regional de China: el caso de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda Marítima y África Manuel de Jesús Rocha Pino (UAB Barcelona and Mexico) Discussion |
14:00 – 15:00 |
Lunch Break |
15:00 – 17:00 |
PANEL III - CASE STUDIES AFRICA Moderator: Lilia Rizk (OCP Policy Center, Rabat) - South-South Cooperation or South-South Competition? Brazil and China as Competing Emerging Donors in Ghana Frank Mattheis (University of Pretoria) - Energising south-south collaboration: the political economy of dam investments in East Africa Martin Keulertz (GIZ, Germany) - Etat des lieux du commerce des produits agricoles : Quels effets pour la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique? Ismaelline Eba Nguema (Université Mohammed V-Souissi) - China, India and the Swahili coast in the 21st century: The return of pre-colonial structures to socio-economic realms Glenn Ojeda (Georgetown University) Discussion |
Friday, 28 January |
09:00 – 11:00 |
PANEL IV - ECONOMIC COOPERATION II Moderator: Ian Taylor (St. Andrews University, Fife, Scotland) - América Latina y Asia: oportunidades y desafíos de la intensificación de los vínculos económicos Osvaldo Kacef (CEPAL, Chile) - Latin American integration in the context of an expanded Atlantic Community Joaquin Roy (University of Miami) - Circulating Asian urbanisms: an analysis of policy and media discourse in Africa and Latin America Femke van Noorlos(University of Utrecht) - Beyond the MINTs: towards an inclusive regional development from the system of Intermediary Cities of Global South Borja M. Iglésias (NSIC, Barcelona) Discussion |
11:00 – 11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 – 13:30 |
PANEL V - STRATEGIC ISSUES / VIEWS OF OUTSIDE POWERS Moderator: Martin Keulertz (GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Bonn) - Regional security mechanisms in the Global South Sergio Aguilar (Universities of Sao Paulo and Oxford) - The Dilemma of Delivering Difference: China’s Donor Logic and Its Implications for Developing Countries Xuefei Shi (University of Nijmegen) - "Asian Century" in a Chindia Perspective: Positioning Africa" Jagannath Panda (Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi) - Ruta 3A: una idea geoeconómica para el siglo de los emergentes Saverio Angiò and Alexis Berg (University of Madrid) Discussion |
13:30 – 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 – 16:30 |
PANEL VI - CASE STUDIES LATINAMERICA Moderator: Anna Ayuso (CIDOB, Barcelona) - La apertura de Cuba como caso de estudio de la creciente influencia asiática en América Latina y Africa Fernando Ponzo Cantó, Department for the Americas, European External Action Service, Brussels - El gran canal interoceánico de Nicaragua: ¿Un modelo de proyecto de desarrollo en América Central bajo el consenso de Beijing? Patrice dos Santos, European Comission, JRC-IPTS, Sevilla - La migración china de ultramar en los países del Mercosur. Principales flujos y proyecciones en el siglo XXI”. Laura Lucía Bogado Bordazar (UNLP, Argentina) - Desde el Sur y hacia el Sur: Movimientos transmigratorios de senegaleses hacia la Argentina y el rol de la globalización en la reconfiguración de destinos Gisele Kleidermacher (CONICET, Buenos Aires) Discussion |
16:30 |
Closing remarks |
Sergio Aguilar
He is professor at the State University of São Paulo – Brazil (UNESP) where teaches international security at Graduate Program of Social Sciences (master and doctorate degrees), works at undergraduate course of International Relations and coordinates a group of studies and research on international conflicts. Currently, he is Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Politics & International Relations - University of Oxford – UK.
F. Saverio Angiò
He received the B.Sc. degree (International and Diplomatic Sciences) from University of Bolonia in 2006. He has a Master Degree in International and Diplomatic Sciences from University of Bolonia in 2009, and a Master Degree in Economics and International Relations: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics from the Autónoma University of Madrid in 2013 and a MBA from ITEAP in 2014. He has worked as an international cooperation operator at NGO Haurralde Fundazioa thanks to the European Traineeship Programme “Leonardo” in 2009. From 2012-2013, he joined Banco Santander as a fixed income analyst. Currently he is PhD student (International Security) at Institute Gutiérrez Mellado/UNED. He published several articles in journals and participated to several conferences on security. He is also a member of the Spanish Graduates in Security and Defense Association (ADESyD). His research interests include international relations in the MENA, Asia and South Pacific region. His PhD project focuses on the jihadist insurgent groups territorial model in the Sahel and MENA.
Alexis Berg Rodríguez
He is a native of Santiago de Cuba, and graduated from the University of Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, with a law degree. He's practicing law in banking, business and foreign trade in Cuba, Ecuador and Spain. Rodriguez also has a Master’s degree in Economics and International Relation and Geopolitics from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Master’s degree in Public International Law and International Relations from the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset Madrid - International University Menéndez Pelayo 2013/2014. Currently, he is PhD student in the Program of Political Science and Public Administration and International Relations, Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Among his research interests are the following: energy policy of the European Union and China; the impact of new energy centers of the Atlantic in the EU; Cuban Foreign Trade and Cuba relations - United States. Part of the Group of European Mediterranean Studies Association (AGREEM) of the Autonomous University of Madrid. His doctoral thesis analyzes the foreign policy of the European Union and its relationship with Cuba.
Laura Lucía Bogado Bordazar
Uruguayan. Lawyer and graduate in International Relations (UDELAR, Uruguay). Master in International Relations and Doctoral student of International Relations (UNLP, Argentina). Professor and researcher at the National University of La Plata, Argentina
Ludmila A. Culpi
Phd Candidate in Public Policy in Federal University of Paraná, Brazil, since 2013. She is actually living in Belgium, for a one year research (Sandwich Phd), in the Center for International Relations (CEFIR) in the University of Liège. She is sponsored by CAPES. She had concluded her Master in Political Science in 2010, in Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. She is graduated in Economics (2010) and in International Relations (2007). She is professor in International Relations, Economics and Political Science in UNINTER, Curitiba, Brazil, since 2011.
Gabrielle W.Cusson
She is a researcher, a lecturer and a PhD Student in Political Science at the University of Liege in Belgium. She works for the Center of International Relations Studies (CEFIR) of the same university and is a recipient of the Bourse de la Communauté française de Belgique scholarship. She holds a master degree in Public and International Affairs from the University of Ottawa (Canada) and a bachelor degree in International Studies from the University of Montréal (Canada). Gabrielle W.Cusson has worked in international cooperation in Latin America, West Africa and East Africa and is now conducting research on South South Cooperation and Rising Powers.
Ismaelline Eba Nguema
She is a PhD-Student in the international economic law at Mohamed V University of Rabat. She works on the relationship between food security and international trade in Africa. Ismaelline is a member of the Global Forum for Food Security. She was finalist of the Global Network Developement price in 2015. She is the author of several articles on trade and food security in Africa (See CV). She also participated in the online consultations for the FAO reports.
Mario Esteban
PhD on Political Science and MSc on Asian Politics (School of Oriental and African Studies, London University). He is Senior Analyst on the Asia-Pacific region at Elcano Royal Institute and Senior Lecturer at the Centre for East Asian Studies of the Autonomous University of Madrid. He has served as external expert for the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Spanish Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence. He has also been a visiting professor at the Beijing Foreign Studies University and at the University of Turku; and visiting researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Chengchi National University in Taipei. His research interests are focused on the international relations of East Asia, EU – East Asia Relations, and the domestic and international politics of China. On these topics he has published several books and numerous articles in academic journals, such as The China Quarterly, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, African and Asian Studies, and The European Journal of East Asian Studies.
Carmen Grau
Graduate in Journalism from the University of Valencia, Master Degree in East Asian Studies from the University of Salamanca and Japanese Asian Studies Program in Ryukoku University (Kyoto). Specialized in Japanese language interpretation and Japanese business. After several years working in private business in Japan and Spain, nowadays works as a consultant in projects for private companies and cooperation agencies between Asia, Spain and Central America. Contributor to various media as an analyst of Asian current affairs with articles and essays, columnist of La Prensa Nicaragua. Teaching experience at University of Oriental Medicine Japan-Nicaragua (Managua).
Igor Hernandez
Economist (UCAB). M.A. in Economics (Duke University). Deputy Director at the International Center on Energy and Environment at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración – IESA. Energy and economic consultant. Professor at the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración – IESA (Venezuela).
Borja M. Iglésias
He is an architect and urban planner, Associate Consultant with the UNESCO Chair in Intermediate Cities (UdL) working on strategic planning, urban resilience and disruptive technologies. Founder and CEO at Network for Strengthening the Informal City (NSIC) and PhD researcher at the Department of Urbanism and Regional Planning at UPC BarcelonaTech. Since 2015, he works as Senior Urban Data Analyst for United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) on research into intermediary cities for HABITAT III New Urban Agenda.
Osvaldo Kacef
Economista egresado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y Master en Economía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Río de Janeiro. Actualmente se desempeña en la oficina de Buenos Aires de la CEPAL y como profesor de Economía en la Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Di Tella. Ha sido Subgerente de Investigaciones y Estadísticas Económicas y Supervisor del Área de Estadísticas Económicas del Banco Central de la República Argentina, Coordinador del Instituto para el Desarrollo Industrial y del Centro de Estudios para las Negociaciones Internacionales (CENI) de la Unión Industrial Argentina, Subsecretario de Programación Macroeconómica del Ministerio de Economía, Director del INDEC y Director de la División de Desarrollo Económico de CEPAL en Santiago de Chile, entre otros cargos desempeñados en diversas entidades públicas y privadas.
Martin Keulertz
Dr Martin Keulertz is a post-doctoral research associate in the Department for Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University in Indiana (United States). He is part of the core water-energy-food nexus team around Prof Rabi Mohtar (Texas A&M) to develop and implement a nexus tool in the MENA region and Sub-Sahara Africa. Prior to joining Purdue, he received his PhD from King’s College London in which he analysed the role of water resources in Foreign Direct Investment in African agriculture. During his PhD research, he carried out fieldwork in 15 MENA and SSA countries to empirically investigate the risks and opportunities of FDI in agriculture. Martin has published several peer-reviewed articles in journals, books and conference proceedings. In 2012, Water International selected his co-authored article on the role of corporates in global ‘virtual water’ trade as paper of the year. He further led the editing process of the Handbook of Land and Water Grabs in Africa: foreign direct investment and food and water security published by Routledge in 2013. Martin is a member of the London Water Research Group chaired by Prof Tony Allan of King’s College London. He has given numerous talks at international conferences, universities and for governments and international organisations. He worked for Dresdner Bank in Germany, consulted energy utility companies, development agencies and the United Nations on issues around the green economy. His research interests centre around the water-energy-food nexus with reference to the West Asia/North Africa region, ‘virtual water’, the impact of global economic change on global agricultural trade and food systems, Sub-Sahara African agriculture and water accounting methods.
Gisele Kleidermacher
PhD in Social Sciences (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina). Degree in Sociology (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Postdoctoral fellow of CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). Her research interests are: sub-Saharan African migration, social representations, intercultural relations, racial discrimination, transnationalism and identity constructions of African migrants. She serves as Professor of Research Methodology at the Department of Sociology (Universidad de Buenos Aires) as well as at other public and private universities. She has served as Visiting Professor of postgraduate courses at the Universidad Católica de Lima. She has attended several scientific events in Argentina and abroad and received fellowship training in Colombia, Mexico and Spain.
Oumar Kourouma
Oumar is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law of Tanger under the joint supervision of Professors Rachid El HOUDAIGUI and Mohamed BENNANI (Faculty of Law of Casablanca Ain Chock). Associate researcher at the Observatory of Mediterranean Studies of Tanger, he is a member of the Moroccan Institute of International Relations and the Guinea Renaissance-Club (Association of Guinean researchers). Author of several articles and book: the democratic transition in Guinea dynamics: how outside the box? Paris, Edilivre, 2014.
Frank Mattheis
He is senior researcher at the Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation (GovInn) at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He joined GovInn in 2014 and is currently carrying out his research on comparative regionalism, interregionalism and maritime security through a postdoc fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Prior to GovInn, Frank Mattheis was senior research fellow at the Centre for Area Studies of the University of Leipzig from 2011 to 2014. He is trained in Global Studies with a M.A. from the Universities of Leipzig and Vienna and a Dr. phil. from the University of Leipzig.
Fernando Mouron
Research fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies in International Negotiations and PhD candidate at the University of São Paulo-King´s College London joint degree program. MA in International Relations, University of São Paulo.
Femke van Noorloos
She is assistant professor of International Development Studies (IDS, Human Geography & Planning, Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University). She is a social science researcher with a broad interest in international development. Her research focuses on urban development in Africa and Latin America; particularly on land issues in urban settings, urban land governance, and private sector investment in urban development, also in relation to transnational mobilities. She is also currently involved in research on climate change adaptation in Africa. Femke did her PhD at IDS Utrecht University, on the topic of residential tourism and transnational property investment in Costa Rica (graduated December 2012). She also worked as a coordinator for the LANDac network and programme.
Glenn Ojeda
He studied Culture and Politics with a focus on Francophone West Africa at Georgetown University in Washington DC. He researched based in Dakar, Senegal for twelve months as part of the United States Boren National Security Education Program and afterwards worked for several years at Smithsonian Institution as consultant for Latin American and East African cultural affairs. He is currently living in Bogotá, Colombia researching the issue of statelessness (apátridia) in Latin America. Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Glenn enjoys Spanish and French literature in his spare time.
Jagannath Panda
He is Research Fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi. He is currently heading the East Asia Centre as coordinator at IDSA. His main research areas are: India-China Relations, Asia’s Power Politics involving India and China, Multilateralism & Emerging Powers Politics etc. He has published in leading peer-reviewed journals like Asian Perspective (Lynne Reiner), Journal of Contemporary China (Routledge), Strategic Analyses (Routledge), China Report (Sage), Journal of Asian and African Studies (Sage), Indian Foreign Affairs Journal (MD Publication), Portuguese Journal of International Affairs (Euro Press) etc. Dr. Panda has received several international fellowships. He was Asia Guest Fellow at ISDP (STINT Fellow, Sept-Dec 2010) Stockholm in Sweden; Carole Weinstein Programme Visiting Faculty at the University of Richmond, Virginia, USA (Jan-May 2012), affiliated Visiting Scholar (2012) for the ACDIS of the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign (USA), Visiting Professor at National Chung-Hsing University (NSC Fellow, May-August 2010) in Taichung (Taiwan); Institutional Fellow at Shanghai Institute of International Studies (SIIS) in Shanghai, China (May-July 2009). Dr. Panda has been a member of IDSA delegation for TRACK-II dialogues with various Chinese, Japanese and Korean think-tanks/institutes. He is a recipient of V.K. Krishna Menon medal for his academic excellence in international law and diplomacy from the ISIL, New Delhi. He is currently writing a book on India-China Relations.
Aitor Perez
Aitor Pérez is Associate Analyst specialised in the private sector and development at the Elcano Royal Institute and consultant in development cooperation. Bachelor of Economics (University of Zaragoza and Paris II) and MA in European Union (Royal Institute of European Studies), he has worked in development cooperation since 1997 with several NGOs projects in Africa and Latin America. Since 2008, he has been external consultant for institutions such as Action Against Hunger, Club of Madrid, the European Commission and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affair
Fernando Ponz
Deputy Head of Division for México, Central America and the Caribbean at the European External Action Service. Previous experience includes responsibilities as Deputy Head of Division for West Africa (09-14); Senior Policy Advisor at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (07-09), Head of the Political and Preaccession section at the Commission Delegation in Bulgaria (05-07), First secretary in Geneva, USA Country desk at the European Commission, and other. University Degree in Political Science, Postgraduate Degree in Peace and Security. Fulbright grantee, Salzburg seminar Faculty member, German Marshall Fund fellow. Laureate in 5 open competitions. Ph.D. Candidate with a Thesis on new forms of Competitive Cooperation in International Affairs.
Manuel de Jesús Rocha-Pino
He is a Post-doctoral Researcher at the Center for Asian and African Studies - El Colegio de México. He obtained his PhD and MSc (Diploma de Estudios Avanzados) in International Relations and European Integration from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a MA on Asian Studies from El Colegio de México. His research focuses on the China´s foreign policy and international relations in Eurasia.
Joaquím Roy
He is Jean Monnet Professor and Director of University of Miami European Union Center. He has published over 200 academic articles and reviews, and he is the author or editor of 40 books, among them The European Union and Regional Integration (2005), The Cuban Revolution (1959-2009): its relationship with Spain, the European Union and the United States (New York: Palgrave/McMillan, 2009), Spain in the European Union: the First Fifty Years (1986-2006), 2011; Después de Santiago: Integración Regional y Relaciones Unión Europea-América Latina. (2012); A New Atlantic Community: The EU, the US and Latin America.( 2015). He has also published over 1,800 columns and essays. He was awarded the Encomienda of the Order of Merit by King Juan Carlos of Spain.
Xuefei Shi
He is a PhD candidate at the Centre for International Development Issues (CIDIN), Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Shi has done fieldwork in Tanzania and Uganda for the past two years, with a focus on the Chinese development assistance and its role in China-Africa relations. He has a background of Economics and International Studies from Peking University, China.
Silvia Simonit
Ph.D in economics (Universitat de Barcelona). She has academic training between two continents: American and European. She has been working in International Economy –economic integrations EU, Mercosur, Asia- and Public Finances –Fiscal Policy and International Tax- for ministries and multilateral institutions (ECLAC, IDB). Postdoctoral research at Universidad de Buenos Aires is in progress. Professor at Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Lines of researching: Development, Emergent economies. Author of books, chapters and international articles.
Christina Stolte
She works as an assistant professor at the Chair for International Business and Society Relations with Focus on Latin America at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. Previous to her current position she worked as a research fellow at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) between 2009 and 2014 and was a guest researcher at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) in 2013/14. Christina has worked and published extensively on Brazil’s Africa strategy and Brazilian South-South cooperation. For her doctoral thesis on Brazil’s foreign policy towards Africa, she conducted a large number of expert interviews at Brazilian government institutions concerned with the country’s Africa policy. Her broader research interests include emerging powers and their foreign policy strategies.
Ian Taylor
He is Professor in International Relations and African Political Economy at St Andrews and also Chair Professor in the School of International Studies, Renmin University of China. He is also Professor Extraordinary in Political Science at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, an Honorary Professor at the Institute of African Studies, China, a Visiting Scholar at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda and a Professor in the Brazilian Centre of African Studies, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Focusing largely on Africa he has authored 9 academic books, edited another 11 and has published over 70 peer-reviewed scholarly articles and over 70 chapters in books. He holds a DPhil from the University of Stellenbosch and an MPhil from the University of Hong Kong and has conducted research in and/or visited 39 African countries. Taylor's academic work has been translated into Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.