Fiscal stabilization: Determinants and Effects
OCP Policy Center is pleased to receive Dr. Davide Furceri, senior economist at the IMF Research Department on Thursday 5th January at 5:30 pm in the OCP Policy Center office in Rabat. He will give a talk on the fiscal stabilization, determinants and effects.
The presentation focuses on how fiscal stabilization has changed over time in advanced and emerging market economies. It discusses the determinants of fiscal stabilization, and the role of fiscal stabilization in reducing macroeconomic volatility and boosting productivity-enhancing long-term investment.
Keep me informed-
Davide Furceri
Davide Furceri is a senior economist at the IMF Research Department. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Illinois. He previously worked as an economist at the Fiscal Policy Division of the European Central Bank, and at the Macroeconomic Analysis Division of the OECD Economics Department. He has published extensively in leading academic and policy-oriented journals on a wide range of topics in the area of macroeconomics, public finance and international macroeconomics.