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João Vale de Almeida

Prior to his appointment in Washington, he served as the General Director for external relations at the European Commission, helping to formulate the EU’s foreign policy and playing a key role in preparing for the new European External Action Service (EEAS) introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon. From 2004-09, he was the head of cabinet for European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. He also acted as the EU sherpa for G8 and G20 Summits from 2005-10. Before joining the European Commission in 1982, he spent seven years as a journalist. He holds a degree in history from the University of Lisbon and has studied and received training in journalism and management in the United States, France, Japan, and the United Kingdom.

Vale de Almeida
Titre Adel Community: 
EU Ambassador to the United Nations, European Union

João Vale de Almeida is a senior European Union diplomat who is currently serving as European Union ambassador to the United Nations. He previously served as the first EU ambassador to the United States, from 2010-14. In Washington, he was critical to the strengthening of EU-U.S. relations and the launching of negotiations for Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

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