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Add to Calendar 2020-11-19 14:00 2020-11-19 14:00 Africa/Casablanca Mitigating Long-lasting Impacts from Covid-19 in the Middle East & North Africa   The Policy Center for the New South, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund, is pleased to invite you to join a virtual panel on mitigating the long-lasting impacts from COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa on Thursday, November 19 at 8.00 am in Washington D.C (EST), 2.00 pm in Morocco, 3.00 pm in Cairo, 5.00 pm in the UAE. Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 19, 2020 More

Mitigating Long-lasting Impacts from Covid-19 in the Middle East & North Africa


The Policy Center for the New South, in collaboration with the International Monetary Fund, is pleased to invite you to join a virtual panel on mitigating the long-lasting impacts from COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa on Thursday, November 19 at 8.00 am in Washington D.C (EST), 2.00 pm in Morocco, 3.00 pm in Cairo, 5.00 pm in the UAE.

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-16 10:45 2020-11-16 16:30 Africa/Casablanca Sahel : Concilier les perceptions du Nord et du Sud pour faire face aux incertitudes Policy Center for the New South en partenariat avec la Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique Dans un contexte épidémique qui s’étend et pénètre plus profondément dans les pays du Sahel, et compte tenu du manque d’infrastructures sanitaires, combiné à des ressources limitées, le virus menace de déstabiliser davantage cette région, qui est également confrontée à une grave crise humanitaire... Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 16, 2020 More

Sahel : Concilier les perceptions du Nord et du Sud pour faire face aux incertitudes

Policy Center for the New South en partenariat avec la Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique

Dans un contexte épidémique qui s’étend et pénètre plus profondément dans les pays du Sahel, et compte tenu du manque d’infrastructures sanitaires, combiné à des ressources limitées, le virus menace de déstabiliser davantage cette région, qui est également confrontée à une grave crise humanitaire déclenchée par le conflit armé en cours.

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-12 11:00 2020-11-12 11:00 Africa/Casablanca AD Talks 2020: The Rise of Asia, Lessons Learnt Asia has lifted millions of people from poverty. It has also led the rebuilding of the world order, with China playing a significant role. As the centre of the 21st Century, there are many lessons to learn from Asia: a commitment to education, poverty reduction and economic stability. Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 12, 2020 More

AD Talks 2020: The Rise of Asia, Lessons Learnt

Asia has lifted millions of people from poverty. It has also led the rebuilding of the world order, with China playing a significant role. As the centre of the 21st Century, there are many lessons to learn from Asia: a commitment to education, poverty reduction and economic stability.

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-11 15:00 2020-11-11 15:00 Africa/Casablanca From Crisis to Recovery in the Western Mediterranean: Challenges and opportunities on the road to a Post-COVID-19 sustainable growth GMT+1 OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 11, 2020 More

From Crisis to Recovery in the Western Mediterranean:

Challenges and opportunities on the road to a Post-COVID-19 sustainable growth

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-06 18:30 2020-11-06 20:30 Africa/Casablanca Géopolitique et économie du Maghreb Webinar (sur invitation) Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 06, 2020 More

Géopolitique et économie du Maghreb

Webinar (sur invitation)

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-05 15:00 2020-11-05 15:00 Africa/Casablanca AD Talks 2020: The Geography of Discontents in the Global South Persistent poverty, economic decay and lack of opportunities are at the root of considerable discontent in declining and lagging-behind areas the world over. Poor development prospects and an increasing belief that these places have “no future” have led many of these so-called “places that don’t matter” to revolt against the status quo. The revolt has come via an unexpected source: the ballot-box... Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 05, 2020 More

AD Talks 2020: The Geography of Discontents in the Global South

Persistent poverty, economic decay and lack of opportunities are at the root of considerable discontent in declining and lagging-behind areas the world over. Poor development prospects and an increasing belief that these places have “no future” have led many of these so-called “places that don’t matter” to revolt against the status quo. The revolt has come via an unexpected source: the ballot-box, in a wave of political populism with strong territorial, rather than social foundations.

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-04 15:00 2020-11-04 17:00 Africa/Casablanca Innovation et Nouvelles Technologiques en Afrique du Nord dans le contexte de la COVID-19 Live broadcast Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 04, 2020 More

Innovation et Nouvelles Technologiques en Afrique du Nord dans le contexte de la COVID-19

Live broadcast

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-03 15:00 2020-11-03 15:00 Africa/Casablanca AD Talks 2020 - Discussion d’ouverture: La revue de la crise Covid-19 depuis le Nord et le Sud La crise du Covid-19 a dévoilé les transformations à l’oeuvre sur la scène internationale et son « ordre établi ». Si certaines étaient latentes, la pandémie a également eu des conséquences géopolitiques et géostratégiques importantes. Le monde occidental (pays du Nord) a semblé pendant un temps avoir perdu son monopole de la puissance, tandis que les prévisions catastrophistes sur la situation... GMT+1 OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 03, 2020 More

AD Talks 2020 - Discussion d’ouverture: La revue de la crise Covid-19 depuis le Nord et le Sud

La crise du Covid-19 a dévoilé les transformations à l’oeuvre sur la scène internationale et son « ordre établi ». Si certaines étaient latentes, la pandémie a également eu des conséquences géopolitiques et géostratégiques importantes. Le monde occidental (pays du Nord) a semblé pendant un temps avoir perdu son monopole de la puissance, tandis que les prévisions catastrophistes sur la situation des pays en développement (du Sud) se sont régulièrement révélées erronées. Cette session abordera la question de l’écart entre le Nord et le Sud, entre l’Occident et le reste du monde, dans la gestion de cette triple crise à la fois sanitaire, économique et sociale.

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-03 15:00 2020-12-22 17:00 Africa/Casablanca AD Talks: The COVID-19 Outbreak Viewed from the Southern Atlantic The Coronavirus outbreak is rapidly changing our planning and orientations as the world is trying to cope with COVID-19 and face its consequences and challenges. At the Policy Center for the New South, we have decided to embrace the digital opportunities brought forth by the pandemic to offer a virtual alternative to the Atlantic Dialogues conference. The Policy Center for the New South has put... Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 03, 2020 to December 22, 2020 More

AD Talks: The COVID-19 Outbreak Viewed from the Southern Atlantic

The Coronavirus outbreak is rapidly changing our planning and orientations as the world is trying to cope with COVID-19 and face its consequences and challenges. At the Policy Center for the New South, we have decided to embrace the digital opportunities brought forth by the pandemic to offer a virtual alternative to the Atlantic Dialogues conference. The Policy Center for the New South has put together online AD Talks for 2020, adapting the format to the digital realm.

Visit the Atlantic Dialogues website for more information on the AD Talks: 

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Add to Calendar 2020-11-01 08:15 2020-11-01 08:15 Africa/Casablanca Sustainable Resources: Energy Focus – Security, Market Stability and Managing Environmental Vulnerabilities Webinar (Open to registration)   Not specified OCP Policy Center false YYYY-MM-DD
November 01, 2020 More

Sustainable Resources: Energy Focus – Security, Market Stability and Managing Environmental Vulnerabilities

Webinar (Open to registration)


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