Presentation of the research paper “A Practitioner’s Guide for Building the Interregional Input-Output System for Morocco, 2013”
Ministry of Economy and Finance, Rabat
by invitation
OCP Policy Center and the Ministry of Economy and Finance organize the presentation of a research paper entitled “A Practitioner’s Guide for Building the Interregional Input-Output System for Morocco, 2013” ensured by Professor Eduardo Amaral Haddad in the premises of the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Rabat.
This paper reports on the recent developments in the construction of an interregional input-output matrix for Morocco (IIOM-MOR). As part of an ongoing project that aims to develop an interregional CGE (ICGE) model for the country, a fully specified interregional input-output database was developed under conditions of limited information. Such database is needed for future calibration of the ICGE model. This research venture is part of a technical cooperation initiative involving researchers from the Regional and Urban Economics Lab at the University of São Paulo (NEREUS), in Brazil, the OCP Policy Center and Studies and Financial Forecasts Department, in Morocco. This input-output matrix for Morocco provides the opportunity to better understand the spatial linkage structure associated with the Moroccan economy in the context of its 12 regions, and 20 different sectors/products. This report describes the process by which the IIOM-MOR was constructed under the conditions of limited information for the regions in Morocco.
16:45 – 17:00 |
Reception |
17:00 – 17:15 |
Opening Remarks |
17:15 – 17:30 |
Introduction : Sources et traitement de l’information au service de l’élaboration d’un tableau entrées sorties interrégional-Maroc Fatna El-Hattab (DEPF) |
17:30 – 18:00 |
Paper presentation : “A Practitioner’s Guide for Building the Interregional Input-Output System for Morocco, 2013” Prof. Eduardo Amaral Haddad (OCP Policy Center) |
18:00 – 18:45 |
Paper discussion and Q/A session Prof. Mohammed Rachid Doukkali (OCP Policy Center) |
18:45 – 19:00 |
Closing remarks |
Keep me informed
Eduardo Amaral Haddad
Eduardo Amaral Haddad is Full Professor at the Department of Economics since 2008 at the University of São Paulo, Brazil and is the Director of Research of FIPE, a research foundation at the same University since October 2005. Prof. Haddad also holds a position as Adjunct Associate Professor at the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL) since January 1998 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He is the author of the book "Regional Inequality and Structural Changes: Lessons from the Brazilian Experience" (Ashgate, 1999), and has published on regional and interregional input-output analysis, general equilibrium modeling, and various aspects of regional economic development in Brazil, in both national and international journals; he has also contributed with chapters in international books in the fields of regional science and economic development. Prof. Haddad has also acted as a consultant for the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, UNDP, OECD, the Joint Africa Institute, and many other public and private organizations, national and international.
Mohammed Rachid Doukkali
Prof. Mohammed Rachid Doukkali is a professor of applied economics at the department of social sciences at the Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Institute Hassan II (IAV – Hassan II) of Rabat, where he teaches production economics, mathematical programming, macro-economic and sectoral policy modeling, since 1981. He is the coordinator of the Economics and Social Sciences Doctorate (PhD) program and the coordinator of the Research Unit of Economics and Social Sciences Applied to Agriculture (UR-SESAA). He is the actual president of the Moroccan Association of Agricultural Economics (AMAEco) and associate member of the General Council of Agricultural Development of Morocco.
Fatna El-Hattab
Fatna El-Hattab is state Engineer in Statistics and a graduate of the National Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics. She is the Service Chief of Data Analysis at the Direction of Studies and Financial forecasts at the Ministry of Economics and Finance. She is in charge of the analysis of territorial information serving the direction’s missions of structural and conjunctural analysis, development of modeling instruments and examination of social and economic impacts.