Presentation of the Global Economic Outlook
Haut Commissariat au Plan, Rabat
OCP Policy Center will be hosting Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center for a presentation of the Global Economic Outlook.
Following more disappointing news on China and the first Fed interest rate increase in 10 years global financial markets have been extremely volatile. Oil prices have plumbed new depths, and financial markets have begun to read low oil prices as a sign of extreme weakness in the world economy instead of as potentially a boost to world aggregate demand. The pessimism is very likely overdone as it overlooks the continued gradual recovery in the United States and Europe, as well as the resilience of many emerging markets. Still, confidence does have a life of its own, so one-year-ahead growth forecasts need to be pared back a bit, and downside risks need to be carefully re-examined. This session will also try to dispel some common misconceptions about the current economic outlook.
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Uri Dadush
Uri Dadush is a senior associate in Carnegie’s International Economics Program. He focuses on trends in the global economy and is currently also tracking developments in the eurozone crisis. Dadush is interested in the impact of the rise of developing countries for financial flows, trade and migration, and the associated economic policy and governance questions. He is the co-author of four recent books and reports: Inequality in America: Facts, Trends and International Perspective (Brookings, 2012), Juggernaut: How Emerging Markets Are Reshaping Globalization (Carnegie, 2011), Currency Wars (Carnegie, 2011), and Paradigm Lost: The Euro in Crisis (Carnegie, 2010). He has published over a dozen Carnegie papers and policy briefs as well as numerous journal articles.