Development Opportunities in Agribusiness for Sub Saharan Africa
OCP Policy Center is hosting a presentation on Development Opportunities in Agribusiness for Sub Saharan Africa at OCP Headquarters in Casablanca.
As more eyes are turning into Africa thanks to its favorable growth profile compared to other regions, there are investment criteria that many investors wanting to invest in the continent need to check. Some of these criteria can easily be met if looked at from a different perspective while others do require some gap bridging. In this context, there are Key Success Factors in Private Equity Investing that can be tailored to the African continent.
All these investment aspects, published in earlier blogs, will be presented by Mr. Ezana Bocression, a private equity specialist who also spent many years in investment banking in the likes of JP Morgan and Merrill Lynch. The speaker will then outline what an Agribusiness Investment Strategy tailored for the Sub Sahara African Environment would most likely look like.
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Ezana BOCRESION, Senior Non-resident Fellow OCP Policy Center