Advanced Training in Economic Analysis and Management - Understanding Labor Market
OCP Policy Center, Rabat
This course aims to provide a thorough cross-country look at the functioning of labor markets. The goal is to provide participants with the basic tools and knowledge needed to help them assess how labor markets in Morocco and MENA Function relative to a peer group of countries.
Objectives :
• The systematic analysis of the links between unemployment and real GDP for over 80 countries;
• How do labor market policies and the design of labor market institutions affect unemployment and job creation?
• What is the role of migration as a mechanism for labor market adjustment in advanced / emerging economies; what are the welfare implications of migration (“brain drain” issues)?
• What role does opening up to trade play in labor market outcomes, including unemployment vary across countries;
• How does youth unemployment vary across countries? What strategies work to encourage greater inclusion of youth in the labor market?
Keep me informed
Prakash Loungani
Prakash Loungani is chief of the Development Macroeconomics Division in the IMF’s Research Department and was co-chair of the IMF’s Jobs and Growth working group from 2011-15. He is also an adjunct professor of management at Vanderbilt University’s Owen School, where he has taught in the Executive MBA program since 2001, and a Senior Fellow at OCP Policy Center.