Advanced Training in Agricultural Economics & Environment - Environmental Econometrics
OCP Policy Center, Rabat.
This class tackles the following questions:
• The impacts of carbon tax on energy demand in the industrial sector;
• The impact of high crop prices on the use of agro-chemical inputs (fertilizers, pesticides);
• The evaluation of environmental goods for example wetlands valuation using contingent valuation method, or biodiversity valuation using choice experiment method;
• The study of land use changes and their impact on the environment (biodiversity,Greenhouse Gas Emissions, water quality);
• The emphasis will be put on methodological aspects, notably choosing which econometric model should be estimated to answer the questions, which estimation method should be used, how to tackle endogeneity issues…;
• The econometric methods that will be presented will include: panel data Methods, discrete choice methods, spatial econometrics.
Objectives :
• Acquire the analytical tools to respond to public policies related to the environment;
• Develop abilities de choose the good model to respond to a specific environmental public policy issue;
• Develop abilities to evaluate models and interpret results;
• Develop a critical approach to studies and be able to assess the advantages and limitations of each method/model.
Raja Chakir
Raja Chakir is a researcher in Economics at the Economics Department, National Institute for Research in Agronomy (INRA). France. She holds a PhD from Ph.D. in Economics, Toulouse School of Economics. Her research interests include agricultural economics, environmental valuation, energy demand analysis, spatial econometrics, panel data econometrics, discrete choice models