Understanding Technological Resilience of Violent Extremist Networks
The Policy Center for the New South, in partnership with The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) is organising a closed workshop under the theme "Understanding Technological Resilience of Violent Extremist Networks", which will be held on Tuesday, January 18th at 15h30 (GMT+1).
Terrorist groups, already challenging state legitimacy and human security in the MENA and Sahel countries, have taken COVID-19 as a vindication of their ideological standpoints and have used the uncertainty caused by the virus to further pressure states’ defence apparatuses. Terrorist groups in these regions have also taken the pandemic as an opportunity to accelerate their digitalisation and moved many of their activities online. From recruitments strategies to propaganda violent extremist groups have invested the online sphere and built a certain resilience and power of deterrence with hackers, followers and administrators all working for a unified agenda of chaos.
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