Reviewing tools of Risk Assessment in Disengagment, Deradicalisation and Rehabiltation Programs Addressed to Violent Extremists
The 2021 Conference of the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology
El Mostafa Rezrazi, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, will be speaking at a Panel discussion on “Reviewing tools of Risk Assessment in Disengagment, Deradicalisation and Rehabilitation Programs Addressed to Violent Extremists” during the 2021 Conference of the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology.
The Society for Police & Criminal Psychology is a multi-disciplinary group that encourages the scientific study of the criminal justice system and the application of behavioral science knowledge to problems in criminal justice, including law enforcement, judicial, and corrections elements.
This invite-only event is taking place at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel in Texas, USA.
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Keep me informed
El Mostafa Rezrazi, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South