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Add to Calendar 23/09/2019 09:00 24/09/2019 19:00 Africa/Casablanca Driving Social Innovation in Education /2nd Edition of The Mediterranean Women Digital Summit: “MED Women for Social Innovation”/ Not specified OCP Policy Center false DD/MM/YYYY
Monday, September 23, 2019 - 09:00 to Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - 19:00

Driving Social Innovation in Education

2nd Edition of The Mediterranean Women Digital Summit: “MED Women for Social Innovation”

Dr. Bouchra Rahmouni, directrice des partenariats de la recherche et des évènements du Policy Center for the New South représentera le think tank en intervenant lors de la deuxième édition du sommet méditerranéen, organisé par la Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Dr. Rahmouni participera à la deuxième table ronde sous le thème « Driving Social Innovation in Education » où elle traitera de la promotion des innovations sociales dans l'éducation et de la manière dont les innovations sociales peuvent impacter positivement l'éducation.

Le sommet se tiendra le 23 et le 24 Septembre prochains à Tunis.

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About the Speaker :
  • Bouchra Rahmouni

    Bouchra Rahmouni is the Director for Research, Partnerships & Events at the Policy Center for the New South, previously known as OCP Policy Center. She is an international affiliated Professor at New York University (Risk of Finance Engineering department) – USA, she is also visiting professor at Holy Spirit University – Lebanon. Bouchra is a distinguished Professor of Geopolitics at Grenoble School of Management – France. She is also adjunct professor at International trade and Law Institute of Pusan National University – South Korea.
    Professor Rahmouni contributed in a book titled “Afrique: Terre des nouvelles convoitises“ edited by Ellipse in September 2011. She also took part in a book on women entrepreneurship: “Femme et entrepreneur: c’est possible!” which is published by Pearson in November 2012. Other book titled: «Géopolitique de la Méditerranée" published in April 2013 by Presses Universitaires de France (PUF) and other books titled "Geopolitique de la condition féminine" in Major Collection of Presses Universitaire de France, December 2013, "Le basculement économique et géopolitique du monde, le poids et la diversité des pays émergents" published by l'Harmattan- France, november 2013…
    The book ”Geopolitique de la Mediterrannée" was translated to Japanese, in 2016, by Editions Hakusui-Sha, Tokyo.
    She manages a book which is devoted to geopolitical, economical, and social Moroccan evolution : "Le Maroc stratégique: Ruptures et permanence d’un Royaume en mouvement", November 2013, DESCARTES Editions – France.