Call for Papers: Constraints and Bottlenecks along the Fertilizer Supply Chain in Sub-Saharan Africa
Call for paper for a Special Issue in Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization
Deadline for Submissions: December 30, 2014
Among the major contributing factors to lagging agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is low fertilizer use. The average fertilizer application rate is 8 kg of nutrients per hectare (ha) of arable land, whereas the global average is 100 kg/ha.
To contribute to the understanding of the causes of low fertilizer use in SSA, the special issue of JAFIO will focus on a) identifying the constraints and bottlenecks affecting the performance of fertilizer supply chains in SSA countries, and 2) exploring alternative private strategies and public policies for improving performance.
The Editor-in-Chief will select up to 10 papers to be included in the special issue and the authors (one author per paper) will be invited to present their papers at a conference in Morocco organized by JAFIO and OCP Policy Center.
Submissions must be uploaded at the following link: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/dgjafio
The special issue welcomes both academic and practical contributions from within as well as outside SSA. All submissions will undergo one round of reviews for providing constructive comments to authors. Acceptance will be limited to submissions not needing extensive revisions.
Azzeddine Azzam
Department of Agricultural Economics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, Nebraska USA 68783-0922
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization
Tel (+001) 402 472 5326
E-mail aazzam1@unl.edu
Website aazzam.unl.edu
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