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Lilia Rizk

She is now the Program Coordinator for the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Program, a youth leadership program that brings together, on an annual basis, 40 to 50 rising stars from around the Atlantic and across Africa who have a strong sense of commitment to social and economic issues facing their communities in particular and the world in general. Beyond the scope of the work in which she is involved in at the Policy Center, she is greatly interested in the role of youth and women in society and development, gender equality, the construction of identity, the importance of storytelling and narrative, and social justice. Prior to her experience at the Policy Center, she interned at the UCLA Burkle Center for International Relations. She obtained a dual degree in Political Science and International Development from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and a Master’s degree at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane in International Relations and Diplomacy.

Titre Adel Community: 
Program Coordinator- Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders, Policy Center for the New South.

For the past five years, Lilia Rizk has worked at the Policy Center for the New South, first as a Program Officer, where she managed international partnerships in Sub-Saharan Africa, France, the UK the United States, and designed international relations programs and events.

Nom Ssprogram: 