Houda El Joundi
During my time at the think tank, I was constantly provided with the opportunity to join in and contribute to the conceptual and executive phases of any of the projects or tasks I was assigned to work on, allowing me to challenge and improve my analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as develop and promote my inter-personal skills. I was also fortunate to work alongside different OCP PC officers, providing me, whether individually or collectively, with valuable insight on efficient team work strategies in conjunction with respective leadership skills.
The international scope of OCP PC’s work and its partnerships with different think tanks and policy institutes across the two sides of the Atlantic has provided me with opportunities to extensively enhance my communication skills and allowed for personal and professional growths, namely with regards to networking, public relations and communications.
OCP Policy Center harbors an environment of dynamism and proactiveness in which the intern is strongly encouraged to be involved. Throughout my entire time at the center, I was continuously stimulated to think and contribute, not only within the context of my assignments, but also regarding the vast array of issues and topics the center takes on, allowing me to pair my professional experience with an increased awareness on matters relevant to my academic and research purposes. As an Economics enthusiast from Morocco, I was grateful to be in an environment in which topics of economic growth and socio-economic development relating to my region of the world were being analyzed from a novel perspective, and where initiatives for sustainable development were based on regional visions and implemented through domestic agency.
- Regarding your past experience, what advice would you give to the future interns, in order to make the best out of their time spent at the Policy Center?
My advice to future OCP PC interns is to take great advantage of the opportunity they have been provided with, by being proactive in their involvement with the center, and to always take initiative and be willing to help out and contribute. They will be in a place where hard work and professional curiosity are rewarded with invaluable experience. They should also never hesitate to reach out and ask questions as they will be the company of inspiring professionals, and kind, generous people.