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Bertrand Bio Mama

He has worked with organizations such as the Institute for Empirical Research in Political Economy, the Benin Prime Minister’s Office, the Presidency of Benin and the International Initiative of Impact Evaluation (3IE) to promote the use of impact evaluation as an evidence based policy making tool in Africa. Bio is also involved in community services. With respect to that, since April 2017, he is the Chairman of the executive board of the association “Youth Action Su Da”, an association of young Beninese who are part of a dynamic reflection action in favor of community services. Convinced that no development is possible without the implementation of effective public policies, Bio advocates for actions recognized as effective to meet the post-2015 agenda goals.

Bio Mama
Titre Adel Community: 
Research Officer, Presidency of Benin, Benin

Bertrand Bio Mama is an impact evaluation economist. He completed a Master’s degree in Public Economy and Applied Statistics at African School of Economics (ASE). He holds a good experience in designing, planning, implementing and evaluating projects, programs and public policies.

Nom Ssprogram: 