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Province de Cabo Delgado au Mozambique : points communs et différences avec les autres terres du "djihadisme autoproclamé" en Afrique

Benjamin Augé | April 29, 2021

Ce briefing se propose d'expliquer les spécificités du cas du nord-Mozambique où sévit, depuis maintenant plus de trois ans, un mouvement...

Mozambique's Cabo Delgado Province: Commonalities and discrepancies with other African lands of "self-proclaimed jihad"

This paper sets out to explore the specifics of Northern Mozambique, where a self-proclaimed Islamist movement has been active over the past three...

Pandemic Preparedness, Morocco, and Africa

Uri Dadush | April 28, 2021

Preparedness for the next pandemic is an essential investment. To get it right, countries must stay flexible and reinforce their international health...

Préparation à une éventuelle pandémie, Maroc et Afrique

La préparation à la prochaine pandémie est un investissement incontournable. Pour faire les bons choix, les pays doivent rester flexibles et...

The Nigerian Energy Crisis: What Prospects for Green Recovery and Transatlantic Integration?

Rim Berahab | April 27, 2021

With a population of approximately 200 million, Nigeria accounts for about half of West Africa's population and has one of the largest...

Tunisie : la démocratie à l’épreuve de la transition économique

Abdessalam Jaldi | April 26, 2021

La Tunisie a fêté récemment le 10ème anniversaire de la révolution qui a mis fin à l’ancien régime bénalien et défini les principes de la IIème...

INSIGHTS INTO THE EU-OACPS NEGOTIATIONS 2018-2021 : What are the implications for the future partnership?

Len Ishmael | April 20, 2021

The briefing document by Ambassador Dr. Len Ishmael created in collaboration with MDPD KAS reviews the process of the EU-OACPS negotiations, reviews...

African Peace and Security Annual Conference – APSACO : COVID-19 & SECURITY IN AFRICA

| April 19, 2021

The fourth edition of the African Peace & Security Annual Conference (APSACO) was held on September 23-25, 2020 under the theme ‘COVID-19 &...

La vaccination peut-elle guérir le monde de la Covid-19 ?

Moubarack Lô , Amaye Sy | April 12, 2021

La pandémie de la Covid-19, qui a touché la quasi-totalité des pays et territoires du globe terrestre, continue à générer des millions d’infections...

Venezuela Agriculture and Food: Resilience or Total Collapse of Food Security Under Repeated Crises?

Isabelle Tsakok | April 05, 2021

Venezuela has hurtled from crisis to crisis since the 1980s oil glut. Time and again, successive governments, whether Democratic or Bolivarian...

Tillabéri Region, Niger: Concerning Cycle of Atrocities

Rida Lyammouri | March 24, 2021

Tillabéri region of Niger is witnessing unprecedented level of ethnic-based violence. The January 2 massacre caught the national and international...

The Impact of New Technologies on Employment and the Workforce: What are the Implications for Developing Countries, Especially in Africa?

Hamza Saoudi | March 24, 2021

New technologies, such as automation, artificial intelligence and industrial robots, are often seen as a real danger for existing jobs and also for...
