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How to Implement DRM Successfully for Effective Delivery of SDGs in Africa: Part 2 – Illustrative Actionable Solutions for Policy Leaders

Landry Signé | August 31, 2016

Following the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, we published part 1 of this policy series, presenting a comprehensive analytical...

Seven Years after the Crisis: Intersecting Perspectives

Nuria Boot , Uri Dadush , Karim El Aynaoui , Karim El Mokri , Simone Tagliapietra , Karen E. Wilson , Guntram B. Wolff , Georg Zachmann , Rim Berahab | August 22, 2016

This joint Bruegel-OCP Policy Center publication comprised of four policy contributions from researchers of both institutions is the result of the...

How to Implement Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) Successfully for Effective Delivery of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa: Part 1 - An Innovative Policy Delivery Model

Landry Signé | August 03, 2016

Given the contingent nature of external resources as a partial explanation of the mitigated results of the Millennium Development Goals, this note...

Mexico’s Strategic Comparative Advantage in International Trade: At the Crossroads of NAFTA, the Pacific Alliance, TPP, and TTIP

Luis de la Calle | August 01, 2016

This policy brief argues that Mexico’s future agenda of negotiations should include three main priorities. Firstly, with the help of its NAFTA...

Structure des échanges entre le Maroc et l’Afrique : Une analyse de la spécialisation du commerce

Rim Berahab | July 28, 2016

Au cours de la dernière décennie, le Maroc a entrepris de nombreuses réformes afin de réussir son intégration dans l’économie mondiale en général- et...

Politics, Policies and Prospects of the MENA Region

Uri Dadush | July 25, 2016

The MENA region is vital for Europe economically as a source of energy and as a large and historically rapidly growing market. Politically, however,...

Politiques publiques, transformation industrielle, croissance et emploi au Maroc : une analyse quantitative

Karim El Aynaoui , Pierre-Richard Agénor | July 22, 2016

Cet article présente une analyse quantitative, dans le cadre d’un modèle à générations imbriquées, des relations entre la transformation industrielle...

Should Developing Countries Fear Secular Stagnation?

Uri Dadush | July 21, 2016

The pace of global growth has tapered off since the crisis and the ensuing rebound. The concept of ‘secular stagnation’ was first used in 1938 by...

Oxford Economic Papers : Food price volatility and its consequences

Volume 69, Issue 3, Introduction by Rabah Arezki , Karim El Aynaoui , Yaw Nyarko | July 14, 2016

OCP Policy Center and its partners, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Center for Technology and Economic Development (CTED) at the New...

Housing Policies in Africa & Brazil: The role of PPPs for low-income housing

Marcus Vinicius de Freitas | July 13, 2016

Housing is part of the United Nations 11th Sustainable Development Goal, which is to “make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. One of...
