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European Energy Security Challenges and Global Energy Trends: Old wine in new bottles ?

Marie-Claire Aoun | February 04, 2015

European energy security challenges have changed dramatically in the past 20 years. On the one hand, the current tensions between Russia and the EU...

Changes in the Commodities Market - Part 2: What is the role for international trading companies?

Yves Jégourel | February 02, 2015

The trend is almost universal in the West: most finance and investment banks are leaving the commodities sector, which is considered less profitable...

Les mutations du marché des matières premières - partie 2: quel rôle pour les entreprises de négoce international?

La tendance est quasi-générale en occident : la plupart des banques de financement et d’investissement quitte le secteur des matières premières, jugé...

The Hidden Potential of Agroforestry Systems in the Chapare Coca Production Area, Bolivia

Eduardo Lopez Rosse | January 29, 2015

Tropical regions are the main sources of the fruit, meat and non-forestry timber products that contribute to the state’s food security and...

La Coopération Sud-Sud au Profit de la Sécurité Alimentaire : Cas de la filière des céréales dans les pays du Maghreb

Said Saghir Zarouali | January 29, 2015

La question alimentaire dans le Maghreb est devenue un problème crucial, sous l’effet de plusieurs facteurs socioéconomiques, démographiques et...

Morocco: Growth strategy for 2025 in an evolving international environment

Karim El Aynaoui , Pierre-Richard Agénor | January 24, 2015

The Moroccan economy is currently facing the risk of becoming caught between the rapid-growing low-income countries with abundant and cheap labor,...

Maroc: Stratégie de croissance à l'horizon 2025 dans un environnement international en mutation

L’économie marocaine fait actuellement face au risque de se retrouver « prise en tenaille », entre, d’un côté les pays à faible revenu en croissance...

Changes in the commodities market - Part 1: prudential regulation and disengagement of the banking sector

Yves Jégourel | January 21, 2015

How will the commodities market be organized in the future? This is a relevant question because of the considerable changes currently taking place in...

Les mutations du marché des matières premières - Partie 1: réglementation prudentielle et désengagement du secteur bancaire

Comment s’organisera demain le marché des matières premières ? La question mérite d’être posée tant les mutations qu’il connait aujourd’hui sont...

International Jobs Report: Edition 2015

January 14, 2015

The International Jobs Report offers an analysis of labor market conditions since the end of the 2008-09 global recession. It also provides forecasts...

Winners and Losers: The Macroeconomic Effects of Falling Energy Prices

Yves Jégourel | January 10, 2015

Joseph Schumpeter pointed out at the beginning of last century: the discovery and use of new raw materials can be a radical innovation likely to...

Gagnant et perdant: effects macroéconomiques de la chute des prix de l’énergie

Joseph Schumpeter le soulignait au début du siècle dernier : la découverte et l’utilisation d’une nouvelle matière première peut être une innovation...

ATLANTIC CURRENTS : An Annual Report on Wider Atlantic Perspectives and Patterns

GMF - OCP Policy Center | October 17, 2014

OCP Policy Center and the German Marshall Fund of the United States are pleased to release the inaugural edition of Atlantic Currents, a new annual...

Thinking to practice: Applying complexity The Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Global Drylands: Bridging Science and Policy

Daniel Yeo, Global Green Growth Institute Ethiopia, Daniel Yeo, Global Green Growth Institute Ethiopia, Daniel Yeo, Global Green Growth Institute Ethiopia, Daniel Yeo, Global Green Growth Institute Ethiopia | June 12, 2014

Since the German government’s Nexus conference in Bonn in 2012, interest in holistic approaches to water, food and energy has exploded under the...
