Tunisie : la démocratie à l’épreuve de la crise de la IIème République
La crise de la IIème République tunisienne exacerbe l’incapacité des institutions de représentation démocratique à prendre en compte les demandes...
La crise de la IIème République tunisienne exacerbe l’incapacité des institutions de représentation démocratique à prendre en compte les demandes...
The geographic position of Morocco and its history makes it a strategic country when it comes to matters of international migration. Having long been...
Energy markets have experienced significant disruptions since the outbreak of COVID-19. In late 2021, soaring natural gas prices triggered a new...
COVID-19 has ravaged nearly every country in the world, with the globalization of recent decades intensifying its spread. As of mid-2021, the world...
His message was one of reassurance, just as a great leader has to react in a crisis. The concerns about Covid 19 was nothing but “a frenzy and...
On January 28, both Argentina’s government and the...
In January 2022, two UK-based oil companies, Chariot Limited and Predator Oil & Gas Holdings PLC, made positive announcements on two gas...
في يناير/كانون الثاني 2022، أعلنت شركتا التنقيب عن النفط والغاز، شاريوت ليمتد وبريداتور أويل آند غاز هولدينغ، المستقرتان معا في...
It has been more than 100 years since Germany manifested colonial power, a dark period of history indeed. Political and military leaders,...
Setting the Scene for the Current State of Inclusive Green Finance
Climate change is one of, if not the...
Time was running out. The invisible, enemy combatants floated into the capital like ghosts. Unopposed, ready to take power, twenty years after...
The year began with simultaneous signs of a slowdown in global economic growth and a reorientation toward tightening of monetary policies in...
Why Green Finance Taxonomies?
The increasing effort to mitigate climate change has caused more and more individuals,...
En janvier 2022, deux sociétés pétrolières, Chariot Limited et Predator Oil & Gas Holdings PLC, toutes les deux basées au Royaume-Uni, ont...
This energetic and straightforward young American leader has made a crucial choice in life: to accomplish her mission the way she sees it, and...
“Entrepreneurial, curious, energetic”. This is how Youssef Kobo, a Belgian citizen coming from a Moroccan family, would describe himself in three...
Lucy Williamson, a BBC reporter on assignment in the southern French town Béziérs, was surprised when she observed about a hundred people lined up...
As part of the lengthy fight against climate change, the European Union (EU) has introduced a Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), among its...
Feeble eyesight may hinder you from finding Puntland on a map, the unrecognized Federal member state in Somalia, Khaatumo State, Jubaland, or...
A la fin avril 2021, Total (aujourd’hui TotalEnergies) annonçait le retrait de son personnel du site d’Afungi, dans le nord-est du Mozambique, et...
In life, all forests seem magical, feels Thoralya Dyer, an Australian writer. Dwarfs and ghosts floating above the autumn leaves; Robin Hood, the...
En dépit de toutes les critiques contre les énergies fossiles au niveau international, plusieurs projets pétroliers et gaziers continuent à être...
The Policy Center for The New South (PCNS) joined an inter-institutional effort between the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB), the United...
Simon Kofe, the Foreign Minister in charge of Communication and Justice of Tuvalu, a 25.9 square miles’ nation located in the South Pacific, was...
A Case for Regulators to Green Financial Inclusion
Financial Inclusion is an Excellent Tool for Combating Poverty...
How do you treat a brutal dictator who had lost power after 42 years, hiding in a drainpipe, after his convoy was attacked by fighter jets from...
This political analyst, expert in security issues and international development, describes her personality as « down to earth, curious », and not...
Dans le vaste univers des matières premières, il est commun de parler des « métaux de base » pour qualifier les « grands » métaux non ferreux que...
The Polish memory of oppression, occupation, the holocaust, Nazi occupation, and communist dictators is burned into the national soul and...
This impact-driven young Peruvian legal scholar studies and advocates for the redesign of Corporate Law internationally through innovation for...
Not all is quiet on the Chinese/Chinese front. Warships are sailing through the Taiwan Strait. One day, an American missile guided US destroyer,...
This young and outspoken Ghanaian citizen, a peace and security expert with a focus on gender, describes herself as “engaging, accomodating...
Richard Blumenthal, the US Democratic Senator from Connecticut, was shaken by the testimonies of top officials of the Department of Justice during...
In her very energetic way and a waterfall of words, Edna Valencia Murillo explains how the Atlantic Dialogues 2019 have been a life changer. At...
Hisham Aidi chose a diplomatic version for fading freedom, growing populism, mental torture, perversion of truth and imprisonment- turning his...
Près de trois ans après l’éviction d’el-Béchir du pouvoir et la formation d’un gouvernement de transition, composé de civils et de militaires, la...
Olaf Scholz had no time to enjoy the beauty of the Canale Grande-one of the most treasured tourist sights on the globe. In July of this year,...
The modern offices are flooded with light; some figures in face masks face the empty space, which is embraced by total silence. The air...
A slowdown in China and winding down of U.S. stimulus threaten a much-needed regional rebound.
The rhythm of samba is being replaced by funeral hymns. Almost 560,000 Brazilians (608,000 as of October 31,2021) have succumbed to COVID-19, the...
This article was initially published on globaldev.blog in ...
« ItalyGate », that was it, the key to unravel the conspiracy, « the greatest scandal in the history of the United States », as Donald Trump...
Scarcity of inputs and goods has been felt all over the world because of disruptions to global value chains since the beginning of the pandemic....
How close are we to the apocalypse, human culture, democracy, wisdom, thrown back in time and reduced to the mind of Neanderthals? Remember them,...
Some of the golden Buddhas seemed to smile; many of the 2200 pagodas and temples surviving in the ancient city were fighting the damage of time...
Quelques jours avant le début de la COP 26 à Glasgow, en Ecosse, la Commission africaine de l’énergie (AFREC) (a) a voulu souligner que le gaz...
Catastrophic Consequences
Increasing wildfires, a sign of climate change, are reducing forests to ashes. This year alone,...
Le mandat d’Angela Merkel est arrivé à son terme, après 16 ans au pouvoir en tant que chancelière de l’Allemagne. Au cours de sa carrière, Angela...
Minus 50 degrees Celsius is a challenge for human beings who were not raised in the Arctic, becoming familiar with polar bears and dog sleds. Plus...
In the World Economic Outlook,...
The music was as dramatic and emotional as the adventure. Dennis Tito, named by BBC news “the spaceman” (April 28, 2001) on his personal...
Dans une Opinion publiée par le Policy Center for the New South le 27 septembre à propos d’une récente découverte d’hydrocarbures en Côte d’Ivoire...
If any proof was needed that change was in the air and repression on the horizon, it was in the center of Kabul: a simple sign was changed, the...
Annoncé le 16 septembre dernier, l’arrêt définitif de l’enquête annuelle sur le climat des affaires est une erreur. Véritable référence pour l’...
Seconde nation la plus peuplée d’Afrique après le Nigeria, l’Éthiopie se distingue par un essor économique continu depuis trente ans. Des progrès...
The role played by diasporas in international relations should not be neglected. Bilateral engagements between states can be significantly...
Le monde a toujours prêté une attention particulière aux élections en Allemagne, statut de géant économique européen de ce pays, oblige. Mais les...
Les faits ont été largement relayés par la presse : le mardi 28 septembre, le porte-parole du gouvernement français, Gabriel Attal, confirmait sur...
L’Afrique a un important potentiel pétrolier et gazier, lequel est largement sous-exploité. On ne sera donc pas étonné par le fait que plusieurs...
Official statistics record more than 4.6 million people as dying of COVID-19 across the world, a population roughly equal to that of New Zealand....
Bushra Ebadi speaks fast, in an even tone and a very articulate way. This social innovator, a strong personality raised in Mississauga (Canada) by...
La récente rupture des relations diplomatiques entre l’Algérie et le Maroc a remis au centre de l’actualité un important projet gazier, le gazoduc...
Concerns are real, but the country fares as well as peers at similar levels of development
When Argentina’s President Alberto Fernandez tested positive for COVID-19 on his 62nd birthday, April 2, 2021 it might not have seemed unusual...
This young Ivorian entrepreneur, who has spent 7 years abroad, has moved back home in 2015 to head the local NGO 35.35. Since July 2021, he has...
The COVID-19 pandemic caused a shock to both demand and supply, leading to the biggest collapse in world output since the Great Depression. Since...
The report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate...
Le 24 août 2021, le Ministre algérien des Affaires étrangères a convoqué une conférence de presse pour annoncer la rupture des relations...
L’Union européenne (UE) a annoncé le 14 juillet une proposition de taxe carbone à ses frontières, qui devrait renchérir les importations de...
The world woke on Monday August 23 to higher international reserves for all countries....
There is not much of an argument: some countries in mighty Africa faced and mastered the COVID-19 invasion as efficiently, or even better, than...
Il est bien connu que le poids de l’Afrique sur la scène énergétique mondiale est faible, ce qui est le reflet de son poids économique. En 2020,...
The Nile is a monster, at 6,650 kilometers the longest river on the planet. Control of its waters has kept rulers in power for thousands of years...
La victoire éclair des Talibans en Afghanistan remet sur le devant de la scène un projet énergétique dont il est question depuis plus de 20 ans....
Abdelhak Bassou is one of the leading national and African security experts. He is a Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and a...
L’actualité pétrolière très chargée de ces derniers mois a mis sur le devant de la scène une entité appelée OPEP+. Ce nom est aujourd’hui...
The International Monetary Fund’s tenth annual ...
Pan-Africanism is a dream that never dies. A project of African politicians, united in a vision, as old as the settled Africa, which liberated...
On July 21, the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) published its eighth annual report on...
Elon Musk, owner of the electric car company Tesla, declared in February that his company would accept the digital currency Bitcoin, as a payment...
With no hesitation, Daniela Varela describes herself as a “good-listener, and a perseverant person with a positive-attitude”. Born and...
Over 25 years after the launch of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) in the 1995 Barcelona Conference, the Mediterranean...
Le Forum Génération Égalité s’est tenu, du 30 juin au 2 juillet 2021, à Paris et virtuellement dans le monde entier. Organisée par la France sous...
The world faces a huge shortfall of infrastructure investment relative to its needs. With a few exceptions, such as China, this shortfall is...
After completing his studies abroad, Hamza Rkha co-launched a start-up in 2018 with an associate, at 27 years of age. Their company, named SOWIT,...
UNESCO is leading a two-year consultation process to...
They did not know who the fighters were; the Turkic-language speaking citizens did not understand a word they said. Sure, they were the enemy,...
The German town of Dinslaken, roughly 70,000 residents, has not really made a mark on history, but the former coal mining community still managed...
Tribune initialement publiée sur...
For science fiction writers, the universe has no limits. They imagine spacecraft conquering the unknown, the mining of asteroids, access to solar...
First appeared at AMERICAS QUARTERLY...
In an effort to spur economic growth, industrial parks were created to combine industrial activities with infrastructure, service, and commercial...
For years, no one knew why dozens of battered wooden ghost boats, often with the corpses of North Korean fishermen, whose starved bodies were...
This young French entrepreneur cannot be reduced to a single side of herself. To describe her as the founder of Lydexperience, a training platform...
La Diaspora marocaine, qui compte aujourd’hui près de 5 millions de ressortissants à l’étranger, contribue de manière significative au...
Más allá de los hechos y sus fundamentos, la reacción europea respecto al flujo masivo de migrantes a Sebta revela el verdadero rostro de este...
Au-delà des faits et de leurs soubassements, la réaction de l’Union européenne au flux massif de migrants vers Sebta révèle le vrai visage de ce...
Commodity prices have recovered their 2020 losses and, in most cases, are now above pre-pandemic levels (Figure 1). The pace of Chinese growth...
The Policy Brief ‘Pandemic, Preparedness, Morocco, and Africa’ by Uri Dadush provoked a personal reaction: Morocco may never be crowned football’s...
Joe Biden’s victory in the U.S. elections was widely anticipated, and much of what has happened since he took office on January 21 has conformed...
Born and raised in Accra, Prince Boadu thrives on love and self-confidence. His role models are no other than his wife and two pastors in Ghana,...
Il y a, désormais, un avant et un après Coronavirus dans le récit de l’histoire de l’humanité de ce XXIème siècle. L’épidémie du Coronavirus...
Leonardo Da Vinci’s mechanical knight was a humanoid automaton, designed and possibly constructed by da Vinci around 1495. When a version of the...
« Les rivalités de puissance en Afrique » ont été décryptées, le 4 mai 2021,...
The Sahelian states of Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso continue to face unprecedented violence arising from multidimensional conflicts. According to...
يأتي فاتح مايو من هذا العام في ظرف استثنائي جدا، يتسم بالقلق وعدم اليقين بشأن المستقبل، بعد أن بدت مختلف الحكومات و المنظمات الإقليمية و...
Le Général Azem Bermandoa, porte-parole de l’armée tchadienne, a annoncé, le 20 avril 2021, à 11h00, sur les ondes de la télévision, le décès du...
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of history” (George Orwell)
The COVID-19 Virus and the Liberation of Women
It seems not much has changed in almost 400 years since Molière wrote these...
As a Project Assistant responsible for Speech Writing in the Office of Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO of the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD,...
Les revenus sur la rive Sud de la Méditerranée sont de l'ordre d'un cinquième à un tiers de ceux de la rive Nord, des ratios qui n'ont pas...
Incomes on the southern shores of the Mediterranean are about one-fifth to one-third of those on the northern shore, ratios that have not changed...
All economies affected by the pandemic have something in common. The rate of vaccination of the population—quite different in different countries—...
Depuis la découverte des ressources pétrolières du Nigeria en 1956, le secteur pétrolier a progressivement revêtu une importance considérable,...
The projections for United States GDP released by the Federal Reserve on...
It was an illusion. A dream or wishful thinking—and some fake news. Scientists would develop a vaccine at break-neck speed. It would be available...
Affluent citizens of Manhattan have been escaping to their beach homes at the famous Hamptons or the picturesque coast of nearby Massachusetts....
Cet article sera publié dans le numéro 173 de la Revue Commentaire.
For the last 70 years, the social order in Europe has been based on the concept and practice of inter-generational solidarity. The welfare state...
L’Afrique a perdu 70 % de ses arrivées touristiques en 2020, selon le dernier baromètre de l’Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT), soit un peu...
The Covid-19 pandemic has induced a major shift in Carolina Zuheill Rosales’ career. This internal medicine doctor founded Guimedic in 2011, when...
L’expression « casse-tête chinois » est empruntée pour décrire toute situation noueuse où s’entrelacent les possibilités de solution et où l’...
The monetary policy report submitted by the Board of...
While the economic recovery around the world remains uneven, fragile, and unbalanced across sectors, financial markets are generally doing very...
The new president of the United States has already issued over 40 executive orders, reversing many of Donald Trump’s most contentious policies...
This article was originally published on...
L’entrée en vigueur de l’accord instituant la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAF) s’inscrit dans la continuité des aspirations...
WASHINGTON-The December 2020 U.S. Treasury Report (hereafter referred to as the TR) to Congress singled out Vietnam and Switzerland as currency...
COVID-19 vaccination in Europe and the United States is moving too slowly and is failing to prevent avoidable death and economic disruption. More...
La crise sanitaire a porté un coup dur au modèle de la coopération internationale au développement par projets, la modalité la plus répandue....
Le Prix Nobel 2020 des Sciences économiques, décerné à Robert B.Wilson et Paul Milgrom, pour leur contribution à « l'amélioration de la...
Bright and open-minded, this young American has already achieved a lot at just 28 years of age. Since February 2019, he has been serving as...
This article was originally published on Bruegel
Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso… L’insécurité fait tache d’huile au Sahel, menaçant de s’étendre aux pays du Golfe de Guinée. Le terrorisme a entraîné...
According to this month’s OECD economic outlook, global GDP --- which took a huge hit from the pandemic and is still 3% below its level of a year...
The maxim that in adversity we find unity has never truly materialized following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Despite...
After reaching a peak against other currencies in March this year, the dollar fell by almost 15% until the beginning of December. According to...
“When I got home late that night, the house was dark and Michelle was already asleep. After taking a shower and going through a stack of mail...
Avec du suspense jusqu’à la dernière minute, comme l’Union européenne (UE) aime le faire, le 10 décembre 2020 le Conseil européen a finalement...
During the last few weeks, the United States has seen unfold one of its most contentious elections to date, which also registered a record turnout...
The pandemic is accelerating history, in the sense that it is leading to the speeding up of some recent trends. In the case of globalization, the...
Poker is a game for real men, cowboys, for example, ocean divers, stunt men, gambling away their meager pay. Poker is America, as oversized as its...
“Towards a more impactful leadership”
Fluent in English, Yoruba, Portuguese, and Spanish, this US and Nigerian citizen, holding both...
There was a significant inflow of funds in Brazil's external financial account in October and November for investments in both stocks and...
Le suspens électoral américain s’est achevé le samedi 7 septembre par la victoire du candidat démocrate Joe Biden comme 46ème président des Etats-...
As President elect Biden prepares for the enormous responsibility of becoming President of the United States (US), there is one question I want to...
« Une terre promise » (Fayard), livre événement de Barack Obama, couvre sa campagne et les trois premières années de sa présidence. L’...
The Trump Administration “America First” policy changed U.S. foreign policy towards the African continent. Trump opposed trade agreements with...
Coup sur coup, deux accords géants sont venus marquer l’actualité internationale. L’un, est économique et sonne comme un coup de tonnerre : c’est...
“This time was different” in terms of the monetary policy responses to capital outflow shocks felt by emerging market economies (EMEs),...
On the eve of the final negotiations on ‘‘future relations’’, an agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) seems likely....
Though Donald Trump lost the U.S. presidential election, it didn’t stop him claiming victory soon after the vote closed, and asserting that the...
A la veille des ultimes négociations sur les « relations futures », un accord entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Union européenne (UE) paraît probable....
La perspective d’une victoire de Joe Biden s’est heurtée, jusqu’au bout, au scepticisme des observateurs, en raison du précédent de 2016 : ils n’...
Even if a COVID-19 vaccine is developed, there is unlikely to be a quick return to normality. Dr Anthony Fauci, America’s leading expert in...
“Out of the Eurocentric box”
This young planner and lecturer at the Departement of International Urbanism of the...
War has started again in the Caucasus, a region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea consisting of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and parts of...
We have previously discussed how, between March...
“Your environment, an opportunity for skills”
Born in Kenya, Vicky Ngari reluctantly followed her mother in the United...
La Commission de l’Union européenne (UE) a présenté, le 23 septembre 2020, son Pacte sur la migration et l’asile, supposé être l’un des piliers de...
The so-called QAnon conspiracy theory has inspired groups with millions of members on Facebook and is considered by some observers to be “a...
La pandémie de la Covid-19 a mis en exergue les limites de la « coopération internationale » et du multilatéralisme, cédant la place à une...
Bank robbers are now and then caught because banks, insurance companies, or robbed personalities promise rewards for the arrest of criminals. In...
Turkey is flexing its muscles in the Eastern Mediterranean in a dispute ostensibly about energy resources. The dispute has triggered fears of...
Profondément préoccupée par les niveaux alarmants de propagation et de sévérité du Coronavirus, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) annonce...
The United Nations (UN) General Assembly meets this week (Sept. 22-29) to celebrate its 75th anniversary...
« Passionate, Black, visionary »
Ana Paula Barreto talks about serious matters with great calm, taking time to reflect...
U.S. stock and corporate bond markets performed extraordinarily well from the March financial shock caused by covid-19 to the end of last month....
If America votes Donald Trump out of office in November, will he go? Just a few days ago (...
“Fathom the incredible, create the crazy”
His warmth comes as naturally as his strong sense of empathy, obvious from the...
Latin American and Caribbean economies need help, but organizations like the IDB are also stretched thin.
L’action publique urbaine dans le monde connait une métamorphose grâce à la montée en puissance du numérique dans la production et la gestion de...
During the medal ceremony at the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City on October 16, 1968, two Black American athletes, Tommie Smith and John Carlos,...
Possibly Roger Federer would have been ready to play the match against the socialite, who was willing to pay (in 2014) £160,000 for a celebrity...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released, on August 4th, its ninth annual...
Il y a, d’abord, les premières images. Celles d’une gigantesque déflagration. Même les dizaines de déflagrations, dont nous parviennent...
It was notthe way you would expect a scientist to be celebrated....
John Wayne was more than just a Hollywood actor. He was an icon, a symbol of the fearless pioneer, fighting Indians, advancing the settlers into...
There are signs of recovery in various parts of the global economy, starting in May, after the depressive dip imposed by Covid-19. Such signs...
Peace was near, most of the 5000 Taliban fighters were released—one condition for serious peace negotiations—and a city was selected for the...
Six mois après la remise en question de la présence française au Sahel et l’engagement pris pour accélérer les efforts de lutte contre le...
The sobering historical moment we are living through presents a chance to reflect and to renew our resolve to take action to save lives, improve...
The unshaven man, who did not let go of his Kalashnikoff while we talked, had been wounded in battles with Israeli troops, and was now hiding in...
Sur fond d’accusations mutuelles d’absence de volonté politique pour faire aboutir les négociations tripartites impliquant l’Egypte, l’Ethiopie et...
Unless trade wars end around the globe, the world is headed for the biggest recession in living memory. The crisis arising from the coronavirus...
La jeune démocratie tunisienne a réussi le double pari de juguler la propagation de la pandémie de la Covid-19, tout en s’érigeant en un modèle...
At the beginning of June, officers from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, usually active on America’s periphery, were deployed to Washington D.C...
In times of shadow and despair, populists and authoritarians move in to undermine free speech and democracy. For authoritarian-minded leaders,...
On January 24, 2020, the Bana, a freighter, left the Turkish port of Mersin. Its destination was the Tunisian harbor of Gabes. It was a routine...
إن حسن تدبير فترات الاختبارات و المحن و الأزمات كان دوما مصدر السمعة الطيبة دوليا للكيانات الوطنية. إذ أن هذه الأخيرة توظفها في...
Born in 1984 in Peru and trained as a scientist, Clarissa Rios Rojas has a PhD in molecular biology, but also a clear taste for exploring beyond...
À l’heure actuelle, l’humanité baigne dans une crise profonde dont la portée est universelle. Le constat est sans appel : la pandémie Covid-19 a...
La Covid-19, menace conjoncturelle en dépit des impacts néfastes attendus, ne doit pas nous détourner complètement de menaces en phase de...
She is just seventeen. An African-American high-school student. If Darnella Frazier had not turned on her cellphone on May 25, when she witnessed...
The United States has suffered more COVID-19 casualties than any other country and continues to report large numbers of new cases and deaths, and...
شكلت جائحة كوفيد 19 تحديا غير مسبوق بالنسبة للإعلام المغربي بمختلف منابره المكتوبة والمسموعة والمرئية والإلكترونية. كان السؤال يطرح...
When the cruise ship the MS Braemar in March had coronavirus cases confirmed on board, it struggled to find somewhere to dock. The Americans...
Three features of the post-pandemic global economy can already be anticipated: the worldwide rise in public and private debt levels, accelerated...
Sur le ‘’rideau baissé’’ du globe terrestre, une pancarte avec une phrase : ‘’fermé pour raison de travaux’’. La pancarte n’indique aucune date de...
President Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel (2008)
after Sir Winston...
الهلع (la sidération) كانت من أكثر الكلمات المستعملة من طرف المعلقين في حديثهم عن المشاعر الفردية والجماعية التي رافقت حياة البشر...
La pandémie Covid-19, par sa violence et sa soudaineté, a plongé le monde dans un état de stupeur, de sidération. Et c’...
China, which in 1984 signed a treaty to take over Hong Kong from Britain, agreeing to rule it until 2047 as an autonomous Hong Kong Special...
Plus de cinq mois se sont écoulés depuis l’apparition du premier cas du Virus Covid-19 dont le bilan mondial provisoire est estimé, aujourd’hui, à...
Système urbain complexe, la ville cristallise toutes les attentes d’ordre social, économique et politique. La crise sanitaire du Covid-19 vient...
Le monde a connu deux guerres mondiales et se trouve, aujourd’hui, au bord d’une « seconde guerre froide mondiale ». Il n’y aurait certainement...
Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro is almost a mirror image of U.S. president Donald Trump. They have considered COVID-19 a “hoax, ”, (...
They live in the shadow of death: the United States has 2,650 death-row inmates, 740 in California’s San Quentin State Prison alone. Today, these...
يتطابق القرن الواحد والعشرين مع "المرحلة القصوى" للعولمة عبر كل أبعادها في مجالات الإنتاج والتبادل والتكنولوجيا والثقافة. ومع...
Le XXIème siècle est celui du « stade suprême » de la mondialisation, avec toutes ses manifestations aux niveaux de la production, de l’échange,...
On February 3, 2003, Colin Powell, U.S. President George Bush’s Secretary of State, informed the United Nations Security Council about secret...
He is a young man like no other. One can spot him easily in a crowd by the way he dresses and addresses the issues with which he is concerned....
For Africa, this new decade began full of promise to...
تم نشر هذا المقال في الأصل على موقع قناة الحرة
يقول یووال نوح هراري إن نمو الذكاء الاصطناعي والتقنيات البيولوجية قد يؤدي...
Tous les pays du monde sont touchés, à différentes échelles, par la pandémie du Covid-19. Les interrogations autour du degré de résilience des...
S'il y a un point positif dans cette pandémie de COVID-19, c'est la prise de conscience de l'importance de ce qui nous est le plus cher : la...
If there is any silver lining to this COVID-19 pandemic, it is the realization of the importance of some of what we hold most dear: food security...
Despite the global magnitude of the COVID-19 crisis, the response to the pandemic has mainly occurred at national level, with very poor global...
The merciless COVID-19 disease threatens economic misery, with people around the world touched by anxiety and unemployment. In this context, never...
Alors que commence le déconfinement de l'économie française, la grande inquiétude est de savoir comment éviter une « seconde vague » de l'épidémie...
فرضت جائحة فيروس كورونا المستجد سلوكات جديدة على عادات الناس سواء في المغرب أو على الصعيد العالمي، وذلك حماية للنفس وللآخرين من...
Confronted with surging unemployment and miles long lines at food banks across the United States, most states have begun reopening the economy....
Les 20 et 21 avril 2020, sur le New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), les prix du West Texas Intermediate (WTI) pour le contrat de mai 2020 sont...
Data recently released on the first-quarter global domestic product (GDP) performance of major economies have showed how significant the impact of...
Sweden is different. The nation of 10 million people has been a model of social democracy for decades. Its approach to government is modes...
Albert Camus, prix Nobel de littérature (1957), disait dans son discours à l’occasion de la réception qui lui était dédiée :
In the last two decades, the world has experienced two main global crises: the financial crisis of 2008 and the current COVID-19 health crisis. A...
Last December, Covid-19 news emerged from China and, as the epicenter of the pandemic moved to Europe in February, and then to the United States...
Suite à l’épidémie de Corona apparue en décembre 2019 en Chine et que nous sommes en train de subir à l’échelle mondiale, les populations...
For the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Thursday April 23, 2020, would turn out to be one of those wasted days. President Donald Trump’s...
La Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) est souvent présentée comme étant le système d’intégration régionale le plus...
Dans sa « Muqaddima » (Prolégomènes), Ibn Khaldûn décrivait le Soufisme comme une science des cœurs ou, plus précisément, encore, une connaissance...
Tourism is considered one of the hardest hits by the COVID-19 outbreak. The sector is experiencing a rapid and sharp drop in demand and a surge in...
Kim Jong-un, the dictator of North Korea, disappeared from public view after an appearance at a Workers' Party politburo meeting on April 11. The...
In a previous article, we highlighted how developing economies have faced simultaneous shocks from their external environment, as pandemic and...
Dans le combat contre la pandémie du Covid-19, le Maroc a choisi de fermer ses frontières aériennes, maritimes et terrestres pour contenir la...
Avec moins de 200 décès à ce jour, le Maroc a su enrayer l’épidémie de Covid-19. Mais le pays redoute une explosion de la pauvreté. Pour Karim El...
We are embroiled in a global emergency that we, as a species, have not previously experienced. This menace is responsible for massive numbers of...
Nous abordons la question de l’impact du climat sur la propagation de Covid-19 avec une certaine hésitation, car nous sommes des économistes, et...
Alors que les pays africains semblaient être épargnés par le coronavirus en début de crise, il apparait clairement aujourd’hui que ces derniers...
The Coronavirus’ ugly and fierce spread throughout the world underscores the limitations of health infrastructure and shortcomings in public...
When in early March, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conti declared a lockdown in his nation, and urgently requested help from his European...
Que ne doit-on concéder de nos libertés pour être protégés du Coronavirus ? partout dans notre monde en détresse -même chez les plus libéraux- l’...
لم تكن الأوبئة التي ساهمت، إلى جانب المجاعات، في تحديد الواقع الديموغرافي لمغرب ما قبل الاستعمار، بالشيء الجديد الطارئ على هذا...
2020 restera dans l’histoire l’année du Coronavirus, bien sûr, mais, surtout, celle de l’ébranlement de nos certitudes. Le choc économique...
Initialement prévues en 2018, et reportées à deux reprises, les élections législatives et municipales ont finalement pu se tenir le 9 février...
Imagine you are one of the crew members of the nuclear-powered fast-attack submarine USS Connecticut, 1000 meters under the floating ice of the...
Particulièrement, tout autant qu’intentionnellement, avares en matière d’information sur la vie sociale et le quotidien des Musulmans pendant les...
Parmi les questions débattues dans les milieux de la décision économique et de la réflexion académique, dans les pays du Nord comme dans les pays...
We are entering an economic cycle with a changing nature of consumption focusing on necessities. It seems like the times of luxury, entertainment...
Bien que les organisations multilatérales se soient multipliées sur le devant de la scène de gouvernance sanitaire mondiale depuis le XXème siècle...
La crise du Covid-19 ne cesse d’impacter les économies des pays du monde entier, aussi bien dans les pays développés que dans les pays en voie de...
Le processus de mondialisation, si solide soit-il, se trouve à l’épreuve d’une crise sanitaire mondiale inattendue et brutale. Cette réalité...
Environmentally sustainable development was the leading theme at the World Economic Forum in Davos in late January 2020. Just two months later,...