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La Course au Vaccin Anti-COVID-19 : à la Croisée des Intérêts Géopolitiques et Géoéconomiques

Salma Daoudi, Larabi Jaïdi et Uri Dadush | 22 Feb 2021

Alors que la pandémie de COVID-19 a mis à nu l’avènement d’un monde désolidarisé, l’élaboration tant espérée d’un vaccin contre le nouveau Coronavirus n’a fait que porter cette désolidarisation à son paroxysme. En effet, la course vers l’accaparement des doses de vaccin a mis en lumière l’image d’un monde désuni où une myriade d’Etats, en quête de souveraineté sanitaire, s’affrontent dans une course acharnée contre la montre. Larabi Jaïdi et Uri Dadush, tous deux Senior Fellows au Policy Center for the New South, discutent la course au vaccin, les dangers que celle-ci pose aux pays du Sud ainsi que les différents obstacles à la distribution équitable des doses.

La relance du marché pétrolier et l'avenir de la sécurité énergétique

Francis Perrin et Rim Berahab | 15 Feb 2021

Assurer la sécurité énergétique d'une population croissante est l'un des défis majeurs des prochaines décennies. Au terme de la première moitié de 2020, la pandémie du coronavirus a gravement perturbé les marchés pétroliers et a provoqué une baisse significative des cours du pétrole, soulevant ainsi de nouveaux défis pour le secteur de l’énergie aussi bien du côté de la demande que du côté de l’offre. A la lumière de ces observations, Francis Perrin, Senior Fellow au Policy Center for the New South, explique en profondeur les répercussions de la crise du coronavirus sur les marchés pétroliers et discute les perspectives de la sécurité énergétique.

The transformational potential of the AfCFTA for Africa and strategies for its successful implementation

Landry Signé, Nihal El Mquirmi | 5 Feb 2021

The African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) began trading on January 1st, 2021, after months of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the largest free trade area in the world, and many experts agree that the AfCFTA is an economic and globalization game changer, as it has the potential to transform African economies and position the continent as an increasingly dynamic force in the international arena. Severely impacted by the pandemic, African countries will deeply benefit from the agreement, as it is expected to speed up the recovery of African economies and enhance their resilience. In this podcast, Professor Landry Signé discusses the challenges and opportunities of the AfCFTA and what could be identified as « good practices » for its successful implementation.

Food insecurity: a major challenge to overcome

Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub and Isabelle Tsakok | 4 Feb 2021

Ensuring food security for a growing population is one of the major challenges of the coming decades. The scarcity of natural resources, the negative impact of climate change on agricultural production, and the rapid urbanization are all among many other factors that threaten food security worldwide. Given that several million people in the world already suffer from undernourishment and malnutrition, it is necessary today to adopt adequate policies to meet food demand in each country. In light of these observations, Isabelle Tsakok, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, explains in depth the concept of food security and outlines major factors that undermine food security.

Global Trade in the Post-Covid-19 Era

Uri Dadush, Oumayma Bourhriba | 28 Jan 2021

The preventive policies implemented worldwide in response to the current pandemic have been devastating to global trade, leading many countries to rethink their national trade policies. There is a shift towards an anti-globalism paradigm justified by the negative effects of economic interdependencies during the pandemic. This tendency could lead to a permanent damage to the trading system and, therefore, to the global economy. In this podcast, Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow at the Policy Center for the New South and expert in International Trade, contributes to the debate related to the future of international trade.
