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Burkina Faso elections, another box to check

Rida Lyammouri | November 19, 2020

• The first nine months of 2020 saw unprecedented violence in Burkina Faso, mostly attributed to al-Qaeda and Islamic State affiliated groups. There...

African Infrastructure Development : What should be done to win the next decade ?

Mahmoud Arbouch, Oumayma Bourhriba | November 16, 2020

Africa is experiencing economic growth deceleration that reached 2.9% on average between 2010 and 2018, against 5.4% between 2000 and 2010. The...

“The buck stops with the executives”: Assessing the impact of workforce composition and cultural distance on French firms’ exports

Yves Jégourel , Raphaël Chiappini | November 13, 2020

This article analyzes the impact of firms' workforce composition on cultural distance and export performance. On the one hand, empirical...

L’automobile : une filière marocaine stratégique, leader du secteur en Afrique

Henri-Louis Vedie | November 13, 2020

Avec la venue de Renault à Melloussa, près de Tanger, puis de PSA à Kenitra et, demain, du Chinois BYD, à Casablanca, la filière automobile marocaine...

Mobilizing Resources for a More Sustainable World: The Role of Subnational Development Banks

Sergio Gusmão Suchodolski , Cinthia Helena de Oliveira Bechelaine, Adauto Modesto Junior | November 13, 2020

The effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda requires a greater level of capital mobilization and new institutional arrangements that guarantee...

Le Polisario : point d’histoire, plutôt un discours mémoriel

Khalid CHEGRAOUI , Noureddine JALLAL | November 11, 2020

L’histoire du Polisario, loin de prouver une quelconque légitimité, est en réalité un produit non discursif, plus confus, produit et délégué à une...

Emerging powers in Africa: key drivers, differing interests, and future perspectives

Khalid CHEGRAOUI , Rida Lyammouri , Maha Skah | November 10, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has been characterized by a shifting balance of power, with some analysts even predicting a new international order in the...

Le Maroc face à la pandémie Covid-19 : de la confiance à l’inquiétude

Mhammed Dryef , Saad Badaoui , Dominique Guillo | November 10, 2020

Les données présentées dans ce Policy Brief portent sur la perception, par la population marocaine, de la pandémie Covid-19 et des politiques...

المغرب في مواجهة : وباء كوفيد - 19 من الثقة إلى القلق

تتعلـق البيانـات الـواردة فـي هـذا الموجـز بتصـور المغاربـة لوبـاء كوفيـد- 19 والسياسـات العموميـة الراميـة إلـى احتـواءه. وهـي مسـتمدة مـن البحـث...

No ‘Military Occupation’ in Saharan Provinces

Shoji Matsumoto | November 09, 2020

The word ‘occupation’ was used twice specifically to the Saharan Provinces in UN General Assembly resolutions in 1979 and 1980. Though the word has...

"الأقاليم الصحراوية ليست تحت "احتالل عسكري

Black Lives Matter: A New Perspective from Twitter Data Mining

Saad Badaoui | October 28, 2020

Social media is increasingly used by oppressed and helpless communities as a voice to create change and increase awareness about social injustice. In...
