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En 2019, les élections présidentielles en Afrique de l’Ouest n’ont pas conduit à des crises majeures, ou presque

Babacar Ndiaye | September 09, 2020

Dans ce chapitre, l’auteur procède à l’analyse des élections présidentielles qui se sont déroulées en Afrique de l’Ouest en 2019. L’élection...

The Nuclearization of the Middle East

Hamza Mjahed | September 08, 2020

The Middle East is currently witnessing a proliferation of nuclear programs that is the harbinger of headaches. A nuclear domino effect has occurred...

Global trends in the energy sector and their implication on energy security in NATO’s southern neighbourhood

Rim Berahab | September 08, 2020

The energy sector has undergone major transitions from the use of wood as a dominant fuel to the adoption of coal and, more recently, oil. In the...

Défis sécuritaires dans la zone Sahelosahélienne : le challenge de la mise en adéquation et de la coordination entre réponses internationales et nationales

Youssef Tobi | September 08, 2020

Les pays du Sahel font face à des changements politiques qui affectent négativement le continent africain dans son ensemble. Ce papier, tout en...

Food Security in the Context of COVID-19: The Public Health Challenge, The Case of the Republic of South Africa

Isabelle Tsakok | September 04, 2020

South Africa shows that being food self-sufficient is a far cry from being food secure when poverty is extensive, the majority of people suffer from...

The Egyptian and Ethiopian perspectives on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Sara Hasnaa Mokaddem , Nihal El Mquirmi | September 04, 2020

The 2011 announcement of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam’s construction came at a critical time, as Egypt was in the midst of a revolution and...

Brazil, South Korea: Two Tales of Climbing an Income Ladder

Otaviano Canuto | September 03, 2020

The “middle income trap” may well characterize the experience of Brazil and most of Latin America since the 1980s. Conversely, South Korea maintained...

Nationalisme vaccinal à l’ère de la Covid-19 : Un frein à l’endiguement de la pandémie

Salma Daoudi | September 03, 2020

Alors que la pandémie de la Covid-19 continue de sévir et d’alimenter nombre de turbulences politiques et économiques, un nouveau fléau s’abat sur le...

Vaccine nationalism in the context of Covid-19: An obstacle to the containment of the pandemic

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to rage and fuel much political and economic turmoil, a new scourge is crashing down on the world: Vaccine...

The Paradoxes of Institutionalizing Islam in France

Amin El-Yousfi | September 01, 2020

On February 18, 2020, a few weeks before COVID-19 became the number one concern for politicians and the public, Emmanuel Macron delivered a long-...

Brazil’s Foreign Policy: Bolsonaro’s First Eighteen Months

Pedro da Motta Veiga, Sandra Polónia Rios | August 24, 2020

A previous CINDES’ policy brief, issued in May 2019, addressed the first months of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s foreign policy. According to...
