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How the World Trading System Promotes and Impedes the Diversification of Developing Countries

Abdelaaziz Ait Ali , Mohammed Al Doghan, Muhammad Bhatti, Carlos Braga, Uri Dadush , Abdulelah Darandary, Anabel González, Niclas Poitiers | December 11, 2020

Diversification is important because it is associated with economic growth and reduced volatility. Export diversification is especially important for...

Security Implications of Axes Rivalry in the Middle East

Dania Koleilat Khatib | December 11, 2020

The Arab Spring led to the collapse of dictatorships that ruled the region for decades, creating a void that triggered increased rivalry between...

Atlantic vision 2025: building an atlantic community - 2nd edition

Hanae Bezad, Roger Hilton, Maximo Plo Seco | December 10, 2020

The Atlantic basin faces considerable challenges on multiple fronts. Financial and economic struggles, coupled with political shifts and social...

Les relations politiques entre la Chine et l’Australie, un élément- clé de la géopolitique mondiale des ressources

Yves Jégourel | December 02, 2020

Les relations politiques entre la Chine et l’Australie se sont fortement dégradées avec, à la clé, la mise en œuvre de la part du géant asiatique de...

Morocco coping with the covid-19 pandemic: From trust to anxiety

Mhammed Dryef , Saad Badaoui , Dominique Guillo | November 30, 2020

The data presented in this Policy Brief focus on the Moroccan population’s perception of the Covid-19 pandemic and the public policies designed to...

Selective review of food security policy worldwide: what can be learned from international experiences in order to shape food security policy in africa? - Part II

Isabelle Tsakok , Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub | November 26, 2020

Food security for all requires (i) sustained productivity growth and competitiveness, not only of agriculture but of the entire economy; (ii) a...

Africa’s Insurance Potential: Trends, Drivers, Opportunities and Strategies

Landry Signé | November 26, 2020

The insurance sector is rapidly expanding in Africa as firms, households, and governments are increasingly becoming customers in life insurance, non-...

A Bad Year? Climate Variability and the Wine Industry in Chile

Eduardo A. Haddad , Patricio Aroca, Pilar Jano, Ademir Rocha, Bruno Pimenta | November 23, 2020

Short-term climate conditions may affect crop yields and vintage quality and, as a consequence, wine prices and vineyards’ earnings. In this paper,...

La guerre commerciale sino-américaine: Quel bilan à l’issue de la présidence Trump ?

Laurence Nardon, Mathilde Velliet | November 23, 2020

En 2016, l’une des grandes promesses de campagne du candidat républicain Donald Trump était de mettre fin aux pratiques commerciales chinoises,...

Biden et la politique étrangère américaine de sécurité : redonner confiance aux alliés

Abdelhak Bassou | November 19, 2020

Le mandat du président Trump qui, sauf miracle, s’achève en janvier 2021, avait soumis à rude épreuve les alliances des Etats-Unis d’Amérique avec...
