Is manufacturing still the key to growth?
17h30 - 19h00, OCP Policy Center, Rabat
Over the last 15 years, the assumption that manufacturing is the golden path to development has been turned on its head. Developing countries have grown rapidly until very recently, yet they are deindustrializing almost as rapidly as advanced countries. Several traditional and modern service sectors have become not only the most important source of jobs, but also of good, high paying jobs. Productivity in the service sector is advancing as fast or faster than in manufacturing in many instances, and information technologies have made many services tradable. Countries across the developing world can now rely on migrant remittances as a significant and stable source of foreign currency earnings. At the same time, high prices of commodities have made the natural resource sector a much more important source of exports than manufactures in many developing countries. Do these trends hold out hope for countries that have made only limited inroads in manufacturing? Should countries still privilege manufacturing in their development policy? How does Morocco fit in this picture?
Keep me informed
Uri B. Dadush, Visiting Fellow OCP Policy Center