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Add to Calendar 08/12/2020 15:00 08/12/2020 15:00 Africa/Casablanca AD Talks 2020: Pandemics: Saving Human Lives or the Economy COVID-19 showed how unprepared the health systems are to address major pandemics. Except for China, South Korea and Japan, countries have struggled to deal with the pandemic. Lockdowns and quarantines have been incentivised as a strategy. However, many countries have struggled economically and found out that a weak economy leads to a weaker healthcare system. Not specified OCP Policy Center false DD/MM/YYYY
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 - 15:00

AD Talks 2020: Pandemics: Saving Human Lives or the Economy

COVID-19 showed how unprepared the health systems are to address major pandemics. Except for China, South Korea and Japan, countries have struggled to deal with the pandemic. Lockdowns and quarantines have been incentivised as a strategy. However, many countries have struggled economically and found out that a weak economy leads to a weaker healthcare system.

- What lessons can be learnt from COVID-19?

- Can cooperation increase in the future? How?


Moderator : John Yearwood, Deputy editor, Trade & Agriculture and Editor, China Watcher, POLITICO

Speakers :

- Paulo Portas, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Portugal

- Andrés Rozental, President, Rozental & Asociados ; Founder, Mexican Council on Foreign Relation

- Nchimunya Hamukoma, Policy Strategist, African Futures (Emerging Leader)

- Jessica Gottsleben, Innovative Servant Leader, Young Leaders Council (Emerging Leader)


Visit the Atlantic Dialogues website for more information on the AD Talks: 



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