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Add to Calendar 10/11/2021 15:00 10/11/2021 15:00 Africa/Casablanca AD 2021: The Technology-Human Rights Nexus : Finding Balance The world needs to understand how technology affects human rights, just as needs a reality check on the “technology-human rights nexus”. Can we live in a free society without privacy? is technology endangering human rights? These two questions merit further reflection. Not specified OCP Policy Center false DD/MM/YYYY
Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 15:00

AD 2021: The Technology-Human Rights Nexus : Finding Balance

The world needs to understand how technology affects human rights, just as needs a reality check on the “technology-human rights nexus”. Can we live in a free society without privacy? is technology endangering human rights? These two questions merit further reflection.

Today, technology touches almost every aspect of our daily lives, affecting our activities both online and offline. It widened the possibilities of work, education, access to information, health care, etc. But these same technologies can unfortunately be used to infringe our rights.
There are more and more examples of how new technologies such as artificial intelligence can be used as a powerful tool for human rights. While they have the potential to make significant positive contributions to the promotion and protection of human rights. At the same time, however, their rapid development raises serious questions about the potential negative impacts on human rights.
As a result, technologies have an impact on all human rights, from the right to life to the right to privacy, from freedom of expression to social and economic rights. The question of whether we should instead be concerned about the use of these technologies and their deployment in unjust and unequal political, military, economic and social contexts is of vital importance. This session will therefore try to answer the following questions:

- How can we defend human rights in a technological landscape increasingly shaped by robotics and artificial intelligence?

- How will the use of technology impact human rights?

15h00 – 17h00  

The Technology-Human Rights Nexus : Finding Balance

Moderator: Julian Colombo, Founder & Executive Director at TANT - Estrategias Innovadoras, Argentina and Brazil


- Doru Costea, Former President, United Nations Human Rights Council

- Jessica Gottsleben, Innovative Servant Leader (ADEL)

- Trisha Shetty, Founder & CEO, SheSays

- Bernardo Sorj, Director, Edelstein Center for Social Research



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