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Promoting Stability and Development in Africa: How to Foster Cooperation Between EU and AU?

Nicoletta Pirozzi | 15 Feb 2015

This podcast is performed by Nicoletta Pirozzi. The briefing will address the results of the 2014 Africa-EU Summit by looking at the challenges facing both the European Union and the African Union in promoting stability and development in the African continent. In particular, it will tackle the current debates around the 2007 Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) and its implementation phase (2014-2015), including the opportunities of cooperation with the United States and other relevant international actors, also in the private sector, to foster economic development, improve governance and promote peace and security


India’s Foreign Policy

Dhruva Jaishankar | 18 Dec 2014

This podcast is performed by Dhruva Jaishankar. India has had several stages to its foreign policy since its independence. This included active international engagements in the 1950s, isolations and regional rivalries in the 1960s, closer cooperation with the Soviet Union in the 1970s, and gradually closer relations with the United States beginning in the late 1990s. Today, India’s foreign policy can be characterized primarily by a quest for security, for economic development, and for autonomy of action. India also seeks greater influence in multilateral forums, whether the United Nations, BRICS, or G20. The three most important bilateral relationships are with the United States, Pakistan, and China. Relations with important smaller actors (Singapore, Israel, and South Korea), complex ties in the Middle East (with Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel), and major secondary powers (Japan, Europe, Australia, Brazil, Russia). New trends are radically changing India’s international engagements. New priorities include sourcing foreign direct investment and utilizing India’s large and wealthy diaspora. This also means that new actors - including businesses, NGOs, and the media - are influencing foreign policy in novel ways.


China and Emerging Economies

Andrew Small | 1 Dec 2014

This podcast is performed by Andrew Small. This podcast addresses a series of macro-trends the Chinese economy has been experiencing these past years. It also presents China’s relationship to various emerging markets, and more broadly, the country’s relationship to the global economy as it is shifting at the moment. This brief identifies major developments that stand from China’s internal economic development as it affects some important trends from the global economy, and their impact on emerging markets. It hence explores how the adopted political strategy fits together with broader macroeconomic developments.


Des émergents au défi du « retour de la géopolitique » - Regards croisés économiques et géopolitiques

TV Program, Policy Center for the New South | 2 Dec 2014

A l’occasion de la table ronde organisée en partenariat avec l’IFRI sur le défi du retour des pays émergents sur la scène géopolitique tenue le mardi 02 décembre 2014 à Policy Center for the New South, intervenants et experts se sont réunis pour discuter du rapport entre émergence et puissance pour les cas chinois et russe avant d’examiner les stratégies de la croissance économique turque. Les intervenants nous livrent ici des regards croisés et une réflexion sur l’articulation émergence/comportement géopolitique avec des focus sur des pays spécifiques. Ont participé à cette émission, Uri DADUSH, Associé Principal au Carnegie Endowment for International Peace et Senior Visiting Fellow à Policy Center for the New South, Karim EL AYNAOUI, Directeur Général d’Policy Center for the New South, Thomas GOMART, Directeur du développement stratégique à l’Ifri, Tatiana KASTOUEVA-JEAN, Responsable du Programme Russie/NEI à l’Ifri, Françoise NICOLAS, Directrice du Centre Asie à l’Ifri, Abdallah SAAF, Politologue, Professeur et ancien ministre de l'Education nationale et Tania SOLLOGOUB, Senior Economist au Crédit Agricole.

