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OCP Policy Center’s blog is an open debate and exchange platform where experts share comments, reviews, analyses, charts, opinions and facts related to the Think Tank’s programs and research topics.


How Can Data Collection Help Inclusive Green Finance?

Morten Seja* | Posted : January 31, 2022

Setting the Scene for the Current State of Inclusive Green Finance

Climate change is one of, if not the biggest, challenges facing the world. The challenge extends to banking regulators, who, in addition to other responsibilities, are now tasked with ensuring financial inclusion and climate change mitigation. However, central banks realizing how important inclusion and climate change are is only the first step. As part of this process, they need to understand how to define Inclusive Green Finance (IGF), design regulations, and determine what the focus areas should be. Accordingly, they need to develop IGF taxonomies and monitor their constituents to ensure that the financial system plays its part for a more just, climate-friendly and resilient society. While there is a growing body of knowledge available to central banks on how to improve green and inclusive practices, there are currently no guidelines on what supply-side data should be gathered by institutions to design effective regulations.

This article focuses on supply side sex-disaggregated data collection, providing an overview of existing research on the topic, gender considerations, and how these relate to developing guidelines for measurement frameworks to gather and use IGF relevant supply-side data.

Edna Valencia Murillo, a life changed by the Atlantic Dialogues

Sabine Cessou | Posted : November 22, 2021

In her very energetic way and a waterfall of words, Edna Valencia Murillo explains how the Atlantic Dialogues 2019 have been a life changer. At the time of her participation in the Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program in 2019, she was a Colombian news anchor for France 24 in Spanish, working from Bogota, a job she left in September 2021 to follow a more independent route. During the pandemic, she has written a book, built her platform “to connect black people in Colombia with African leaders”, and prepared the opening of her cultural center/hair salon, Belleza Negra  - “Black Beauty” in Spanish. In addition to these noteworthy achievements, she has been consulting for Disney Animation Studios since July 2021 on black representation in a movie called Encanto, shot in Colombia.  

Ade Mabogunje «Innovation takes courage and a strong team spirit»

OCP Policy Center | Posted : December 21, 2017

Nigerian and « design thinking process » expert, Ade Mabogunje has worked in Africa, India and Europe, before settling in California, where he is a Director at Stanford University. What does it take exactly for innovation to happen ? Such is the line of his thinking and teaching. He’s been invited twice to the 2016 and 2017 Atlantic Dialogues to share his knowledge with two cohorts of 50 Emerging Leaders from Africa, Europe and the Americas, selected by the OCP Policy Center. This Professor who refuses to be called so prefers to describe himself as an « ant ». He believes strongly in team spirit - if not Ubuntu, this African set of values that states in all the Bantu languages that « I am a human being only through other human beings ». 

Sécurité, partenariats Sud-Sud et regards latino-américains

OCP Policy Center | Posted : December 20, 2017

La troisième et dernière journée de la conférence de haut niveau Atlantique Dialogues, organisée du 13 au 15 décembre à Marrakech par l’OCP Policy Center, a porté pour l’essentiel sur des questions de géopolitique africaine, ainsi que sur la “croissance sans emploi”, “les partenariats Sud-Sud” et les témoignages apportés par trois anciens présidents d’Argentine et du Costa-Rica sur les trajectoires de développement latino-américaines.

Can Africa really benefit from its demographic dividend to accelerate growth?

Jorge Arbache | Posted : December 18, 2017

I am in Marrakech attending the Atlantic Dialogue, a very interesting event organized by the OCP Policy Center. One of the questions put to debate was: "How can Sub-Saharan Africa benefit from its economic potential to grow, thrive and eliminate poverty?"

“Repenser l’éducation, quelles compétences pour les métiers de demain ?”

OCP Policy Center | Posted : December 18, 2017

Sous cet intitulé, la seconde journée des Atlantic Dialogues, le 14 décembre, a abordé la question de l’éducation. Une urgence absolue, compte tenu de la transition démographique en cours en Afrique et de la persistance d’un fort chômage des jeunes – même diplômés – dans de nombreux pays.

Les relations Nord-Sud au coeur des Atlantic Dialogues

OCP Policy Center | Posted : December 18, 2017

La conférence Atlantic Dialogues 2017 s'est poursuivie le 14 décembre à Marrakech en passant progressivement de l'économie à la géopolitique. Des personnalités du Nord et du Sud se sont répondues, dans un débat franc et ouvert. 

Jobless growth : still a question mark…

Youssef Tobi | Posted : December 15, 2017

The In-focus session about Jobless Growth during the Atlantic Dialogues on December 14th led to a passionate debate on the future impact of jobless growth on Africa as well as the world economy.